Extreme policies? Far left?
I have already pointed out that the health care reform recently passed was first proposed BY A REPUBLICAN. And if this is so extreme and left wing, why was McCain promising health care reform during the general election as well? Was he a far left extremist? Or do you just choose to willfully ignore whatever does not fit nicely within your (skewed) perceptual schema?
Your labels do nothing but confine.
Pass me some of whatever you're smoking, too. It must be REAL GOOD shit for you to think the thoughts that you do.
Like I said, it wouldn't have mattered if Obama took on ANY other issue first....the result would have been the same.
If you don't think racism played a HUGE role in this election (and still does) consider that 10-15% of folks ADMITTEDLY wouldn't vote for the man for the simple reason of the color of his skin. Now say you split those folks 50/50, and we are talking an even greater Obama landslide. Now let's count the folks who won't vote fo him due to the color of his skin who WON"T admit it....now we are talking total landslide.
But fools with labels assert something often enough and it starts to sound true. Just repeat after me: far left, socialist, communist, anti-christ, baby killer. Time to reload.
Defining, confining, and sinking deeper.