The GOP has gone full Nazi and now other down ballot losers on the right are claiming fraud and not conceding no matter how much they lost by.
Full Nazi gets full Resistance.
The GOP has gone full Nazi and now other down ballot losers on the right are claiming fraud and not conceding no matter how much they lost by.
Civil war is what we’re talking about: it may be quick, but maybe not: at a bare minimum we’ve got a thousand well-armed psychos in every state, ready to lone-wolf themselves into the new history books; at the worst, we’ve got 10 times that, or more. And not even a joint to take the edge off...with Proud Babies in the street, doing their best to start a fight, and no police presence at all, and a few generations who’ve been waiting for the south to rise again.
not good times: I’d love to be wrong, wrong, wrong, but it feels like a line has been crossed
It is hard to get too worked up after watching their paper thin arguments about all the nonsense they have spouted to think that this has any actual ability to pull this off.If your expecting the courts to save democracy just remember that tRUmp has appointed 1/4 of the federal bench and appointed 3 supreme court yes men. tRUmp and the GOP must think the american people will just roll over and take it in the ass, I'm not sure they're wrong.
Looks like the click bots are pushing this story hard on Newsman youtube channel. Check out the 'views' vs the other stories they put out.
That and federal cases aren't even manifested unless there's a 99.95% chance of shoving it down our throat.Just remember that the courts interpret the law and can twist it to mean most anything. Have you forgoten that they supreme court said that corperations are people and money is free speech.
In my opinion investigations would go nowhere. It would just bog down the Biden admin next four years. Best to do as the other poster said and just enact as many regulations as you can and roll back as many of the Trump regulations as you can.Biden is already talking about no federal investigations in the name of sweet, sweet harmony. Sometimes I want rip the heads off the leaders of the Democratic party in frustration.
At least SDNY will go after him with gusto.
I'm thinking those two senate seats stay red, sadly.
Up to Newsome gov of CalifWho's been tapped to take kamalas seat in the senate?
Nobody, yet. It's Newsome's call. I have my favorites. Schiff, Swalwell, Katie Porter.Who's been tapped to take kamalas seat in the senate?
I agree with all you the same time, he’s the king of the morons - and they’ve been waiting for a king with the “balls” (ie, brazen insanity) to do just this.
Pardon me, I’ve spent the last 50+ years fighting against exactly this sort of eventuality, it’s more of a shock than I was prepared for to see it actually in play.
Im guessing that Nikki Hailey will also give it a run. Id like to see someone like Comey run for the Republican ticket to try to pull it back into a lawful direction. Kucinich? I think there will also be a lot of Republican governors like the Ohio guy.It is interesting to see who is already lining up for 2024 on the Republican ticket. Lynne Cheney congresswoman from Wyoming, Ben Sasse senator from Nebraska, Florida Man
Marco Rubio, and perhaps Ivanka Drumpf.
Id like to see Porter get the nod.Nobody, yet. It's Newsome's call. I have my favorites. Schiff, Swalwell, Katie Porter.