This isn't over.

Canada is a weak country known for absolutely nothing... you guys are the biggest joke of the Western Hemisphere ...
We are trying harder and we have a muzzle on our racists and big fines too, yer gonna love human tights commissions, buckle up.
USA and World Report says, note America didn't even make the list and it's all because of racist fucks like you:

#2 in Overall Rankings#3 out of 80 in 2019

Quality of Life
Through all phases of life, these countries treat their citizens well. Scandinavian countries fared well, as did Canada.
#1 in Quality of Life Rankings
No Change in Rank from 2019
DIY you should try 90 day fiancé buddy.. U remind me of Big Ed
Thanks for your concern about my sex life!
It's nice to know you care, do you often have an interest in other men's sex lives? The term I use for such things is sexual deviance.

Ya know POF is full of opportunities for a man like me and I've some what tired long ago of meeting women for coffee at Tim's, friends with benefits is best.
Don't post the fucks picture, the next picture I want to see of this clown is a mug shot, goes for the works of them. I can't wait to see dad's mugshot, it will the loser meme of 2021, I hope his hair is a mess and he is in an orange jumpsuit with a fucked up look on his face when they take it. They will sell posters by the thousands of the image and millions of disparaging memes will circulate using it. America's biggest loser, from the White House, to the big house, in the blink of an eye, appeal from the inside, Donald will be shocked at the swiftness, if there are sealed indictments against individual #1.

i think you're referring to one similar of Nolte..i couldn't think of his name but the key words of- crazy actor does drugs mug shot old dude..brought it up.


on a side note..look at how meff fvcks you up- looks like his teeth are gone:

i think you're referring to one similar of Nolte..i couldn't think of his name but the key words of- crazy actor does drugs mug shot old dude..brought it up.

View attachment 4748341

on a side note..look at how meff fvcks you up- looks like his teeth are gone:

View attachment 4748344
Not good taste to do that to people who have harmless personal weaknesses, they harm themselves, save it for the evil bastards and there are many. People fall and are prey to their Demons, love and understanding help and are the only way to help. Being judgmental indicates a lack of compassion, there is a place for such things, it should be directed at the evil, those who inflict suffering on others, not on themselves. If being thin were easy there would be no fat people, and habits like drinking would not be so hard to break, even when it kills people.

There but for the grace of God go I
Catholic school did me right, despite it's flaws, I overcame them. I felt like a genius among the dropouts of public school that I hung around with. I had to sit outside in the winter one day (California, not so bad), without a jacket because I argued with a nun that turkey's fly, she said they don't.
Catholic education eh? You'll like this...