This is where legends come from.


Well-Known Member
Id kinda look like a jack ass if I showed a pic of the setup without the product or the process.

Nah, at least you're not like all the kids that post here , "i'm thinking about getting this and thinking about growing that, thinking thinking thinking" ....a bunch of thinkers and no do'ers.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
thanks for the postive posts.

smppro- yeah those things. the one I want is $350. PPM-3 from CAPS.

Punk-yeah i hear what your saying. im just lucky enough to have an old lady that is cool enough to support my ideas. some people just dont have the $$$ to get a proper grow going.


Well-Known Member
thanks for the postive posts.

smppro- yeah those things. the one I want is $350. PPM-3 from CAPS.

Punk-yeah i hear what your saying. im just lucky enough to have an old lady that is cool enough to support my ideas. some people just dont have the $$$ to get a proper grow going.
Many lack the craftsmanship to even drill a hole to be honest.

Outdoor is the perfect place to start. I'm pretty handy. First table purchased at 15. That's rare. But when my buddy comes over to help me on my old truck... he's a master tech. He makes me look so stupid when it comes to tools I use all the time.

Skillsets enable you to see or think of ideas and put them in motion. $$$ fixes all that though. It's nice to have both money and skills :mrgreen:

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Many lack the craftsmanship to even drill a hole to be honest.

Outdoor is the perfect place to start. I'm pretty handy. First table purchased at 15. That's rare. But when my buddy comes over to help me on my old truck... he's a master tech. He makes me look so stupid when it comes to tools I use all the time.

Skillsets enable you to see or think of ideas and put them in motion. $$$ fixes all that though. It's nice to have both money and skills :mrgreen:



Well-Known Member
DIY vertical setups I've seen like this before usually have each rows plants offset so that they don't grow in front of eachother blocking light to the base of ea plant but inbetween eachother. Also it looks like ea hole is far too close to eachother to support 14" at start of flowering. But that's just my opinion. Maybe you already plan to skip every other one, which would probably be the best bet then you can offset them all row for row.

Just my 2cents... Good luck, I'll be watching. I also grow vertical but with just a few big trees because of medical plant count limits in Oregon.

Oh and for the record either 1kw or 600's will work in a setup this size but I would choose 1000's if you are able to manage the heat since 5' across is enough room to handle it and you already have them. You could stack 3 1kw I bet after you get the a/c no problem with the cooltubes.

Goood luck.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
oregonmeds- this setup is already assembled, and running for over a week. the holes are fine where they are, im not looking for a ounce off each plant, so spacing isnt an issue, the plants know what they are doing. The holes can be staggered, but you have to drill holes in the 45s so that no bueno. thanks for the info though.

tom 420-thanks for checking it out.


Well-Known Member
Ok, i mistakenly thought you might have wanted all you can get from a setup like this that you went to so much trouble to build. Crazy me... :)
I guess if you don't care about yield and aren't trying to set records it doesn't matter. But then why all work and the risk with such a high plant count?

Not ragging on you at all, just curious.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
i dont consider 65 plants a "risk". I have helped with these setups for awhile. I helped and watched and took the goods and the bads and made this "example". I dont see any weight increase in giving the bottom of my plants light. you get popcorn from the bottom, not weight. all that popcorn would not make up for me cutting into the 45s and compromising the couplings which hold a seal. The setups I watch week in and week out (that mine was modeled after) have no issues with losing weight by not staggering. If the tiers were closer together then it might be advantageous. Its a beautiful dance that the plants do when they are in these setups. the nugs closest to the lights get fat and heavy then they sag, giving the stems behind them more light, and so on and so on. I have alot of experience with the setups. what i dont have experience with is doing one in a 5x6 closet, in the middle of a house. the atmosphere has been my issue. I know its going to be awhile before they are done, but if you watch it all go down, the pics will show how these systems explode. I appreciate your insight and hope i didnt come off like a dick.


Well-Known Member
i dont consider 65 plants a "risk". I have helped with these setups for awhile. I helped and watched and took the goods and the bads and made this "example". I dont see any weight increase in giving the bottom of my plants light. you get popcorn from the bottom, not weight. all that popcorn would not make up for me cutting into the 45s and compromising the couplings which hold a seal. The setups I watch week in and week out (that mine was modeled after) have no issues with losing weight by not staggering. If the tiers were closer together then it might be advantageous. Its a beautiful dance that the plants do when they are in these setups. the nugs closest to the lights get fat and heavy then they sag, giving the stems behind them more light, and so on and so on. I have alot of experience with the setups. what i dont have experience with is doing one in a 5x6 closet, in the middle of a house. the atmosphere has been my issue. I know its going to be awhile before they are done, but if you watch it all go down, the pics will show how these systems explode. I appreciate your insight and hope i didnt come off like a dick.
Oregon dude,

We all enjoy a little bud love from fellow growers.

It's been pretty clear that from day 1 this is not a mass yield grow but a "hey this is what I'm doing" grow. All the while modifying as he builds. Ultimately a perpetual grow is his desire and it's gonna happen regardless of offsetting his plants or not.

Enough wattage can compensate for an inch or two here or there.

Many of us have a desire to achieve certain goals with our grow. I think Seedless has made a point to put himself out there on a limb and open himself up for scrutiny.

I say a little input is killer but you kind of come off a little elitist. I'm just sayin... bongsmilie

The offset idea sound great. The downfall to many grows is overthinking. Plug em' in and grow I say.

I don't know where our buddy seedless lives, but in CA a set up like this isn't so much about yeild as it is about perpetual. I got plenty of buddies under the feds 100 plant fuck you rule.

They are stoke with .75zips per plant.

Mellowwww bro. It's a dank site.

Love peace and chicken grease.


Well-Known Member
Elitist because I try helping people get the most out of what they do? That's a shame. Ok then I will end with this anyway just to clear a myth.

You only get popcorn bud on the lower portions of plants when you use standard horizontal lighting above the plants. With vertical lighting you have fat nugs all over. Colas that reach the bottom.

Peace... I'm done.

Just trying to help. Shame on me. For the record the post title of "this is where legends come from" doesn't seem to fit such a laxidasical "I don't care to yield much really, it's just what i'm doing" attitide.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Just trying to help. Shame on me. For the record the post title of "this is where legends come from" doesn't seem to fit such a laxidasical "I don't care to yield much really, it's just what i'm doing" attitide.

okay now im going to sound like a dick. This is in no way shape or form a "I don't care to yield much really, it's just what i'm doing" grow. the fact that i have plenty of experience (outside of what I gain from RIU) of vertical grows probably puts my knowledge of this growing form above yours. I have been in the "community" of growers for awhile and never needed to get my own setup. I still dont need this setup, but ill be damned if im going to let some guy I dont even know talk smack on my project. I have put alot of time and skill into this setup, and your "gee lets stagger these to get some light to the bottom of the plant idea" doesnt apply here. The bottom colas are in no way shaded. the stem can be shaded, the lower inner canopy can be shaded, but the damn colas get there light. look at the pics. READ THE WHOLE THREAD, then get lost. I feel like a dick now, and its your fault.:cuss:

ps. the title of the thread holds strong...ive got 65 plants in a 5x6 closet with room for a 50 lbs. C02 tank, a 70 gallon res, and fans up the ass. this grow is awesome, these grows are awesome....Vertical octagon grows are where legends come from. when i can say I got X amount of weight out of my bedroom closet, that will be epic.

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Dubs your words are gospel. I felt exactly the way you did, but i didnt want to have to type it into my grow thread. thanks for saying what I didnt want to have to say. I still feel like a dick, but people shouldnt talk smack...criticism is great...smack is whack.


Well-Known Member
Oregon dude, your suggestion was great. I think it's your delivery that's all. Then you get huffy and puffy and storm away like "I'm taking my ball and going home."

Seedless, your set up is sick and nobody should have to defend it, yourself included. We all know it's gonna yield whether those plants are off set or not. I don't see anyone offsetting shit in other stadium grows. Your growing experience plus 2000 fucking watts in that little space is going get light in every square inch of every plant.

I'm still watching even if you didn't offset your 65 plants. Holy shit that's a lot of fucking plants.

Hey, if we don't have a sick name for our thread nobody looks. Considering the amount power and plants in such a small space is kind of fucking legendary.


Active Member
Since the lights are hanging in the middle, how do the back of the plants get any light? Do you rotate the plants maybe?

strictly seedleSs

Well-Known Member
Since the lights are hanging in the middle, how do the back of the plants get any light? Do you rotate the plants maybe?

nope. when you put them in you want ass many branches towards the front as you can get, but when all is said an done the back dont get much light. You have to trim the main big leaves every other week to get light penatration to the back.