This Is What I Did!!!


Well-Known Member
As for the ice, I love the plant.Hardy, and full of tric's.
Flowered at 14 inches tall and is at 41 inches and about a weeek left in flower.
wont be cloning this strain becouse out of ten seeds I only got 2 females.
My mutant and one very pretty ladie.

As for your statement about Death Row.
If you have the room then keep the girls going, to me the money spent on nutes will be well worth it for the smoke, If you have the room. I have never had Afghani. So I would do every thing to keep them.
If this is a commercial question then ditch them and start over. Room is not a problem for me, so I just keep them going until they go to the bench.


Well-Known Member
And to be completly honest , I am in the middle of cloning my Big Bhudda Blue Cheese.
I will fill this room with BBBC and never look back.
I am so excited about this plant.
My English friends say thee is nothing like the"CHEESE".
I may try the NYCD from Soma.
Well I had better get to my garden.
Thanks for the interest.


Well-Known Member
excellent....BBBC....I love that frickin name...I thinhk I wanna grow it just for that...hey man...whatya smoking....BBBC....hahahahaha thanks for sharing!


Well-Known Member
Well the room has been turned into a veg room with a cloning station on the same light cycle.
Couple of flood tables and some soil mum's.
Works just great.


Well-Known Member
hey there dmg .... that musta been some killer indica .... reviving the thread ... Walk on!!~~


Well-Known Member room! So, if that's your veg room now.........okay, I wont ask.

Did you end up putting can filters on your exhaust, or...?
Thanks for reviving the thread.........really is a cool room!



Well-Known Member
Yea, Its good to be back Tahoe58.
Hard core indica...I am working on the MasterKush and NYCD.
Just got done with the summer set. Will post some pics soon.
Just got some Mandala Sadhu going for the indoor.

In the Veg. room I hang a 32 Air filter.
And in the flower room I have two stand up 150's
Will post pics of the flwr room when It has flowers in it.


Active Member
How did the BBBC turn out?? IM growing some BBBC right now. My grow journal is in my thread if you want to check it out and give me some advice. How tall did you elt the BBBC get before you sent them into flower? How tall where they when you chopped? What was the average yeild off each plant? IM trying to get an estimate on how good of a yeilder this strain is and how much i will yeild off my 4 plants. Anyway any details on how your BBBC went and what you got off them or any helpful hints on what that strains likes and doesnt like would be awsome. Drop by and say somethin in my journal if you dont want to post it in yours but any info would be amazing. By the way your setup is killer im super jealous +++++rep all the way for you!!


Well-Known Member
The room is dual purpose as of now. Carries my mum's on one side and popping seeds and cuts on the other.
This is like a blast from the past. I just read this thread again and the funny thing is the last flower I had in this room was BBBC.
I have taken over this room ( mum's room ). So I could flower some seeds I got awhile ago.
I got 10 Femenized Big Bhudda Blue Cheese and I figure I will continue this thread as a grow journal for those seeds.
I dont have any journal's because I am not very computer savvy and could not figure it out.
I will use this thread because It's still going and everything fits.


Well-Known Member
I figure I can get away with putting my mum's outside for the summer while I flower my girls.
Whaddaya think about that?
Putting mum's outside after they were raised inside. I don't think there will be a problem, Do you?


Well-Known Member
Hey DMG. Very nice room indeed. Iv'e brought plants in before. I learned you will get bugs on them from being outside. Now, I just spray them down with neen oil at night before I bring them in.


Well-Known Member
I was wondering if my mum's will have a desire to flower, going from, a perfect 18/6 cycle to the great outdoors.
Love neem oil myself by the way. Use Einstien's oil all the time.

Here is the room now.

I have installed a light rail and changed the lights from 600W HPS to 400W MH.
This is what the girls look like as of now.



Well-Known Member
We will be going into flower at the end of this week.
I am so excited, this strain is the bee's knee's.