THIS is what happened after i transplanted. PICS


Well-Known Member
The plant is maybe 3 weeks old in the first pic. It was coming along nicely. It always had a few blemishes on the leaves but generally looked healthy.

I will try and explain the best i can everything that i have done to this point and hopefully someone can help me figure out what went wrong here.

1. The seed was planted in Shultz Seed Starter potting soil with 50% pearlite. (this may have been the first problem. this soil has time release ferts which i think is fuckin up my pure blend pro nutes ive been mildly feeding with)

It was started under CFL lighting, more than enough to keep it happy with no stretching.

After signs of rigorous growth i moved it the the 175MH, and it continued to thrive.

I decided to transplant. At this point, i realized the shultz soil with time release ferts was a bad idea, so i mixed my own 3 part soil. 1 part peat, 1 part perlite, 1 part vermiculite. I transplanted the plant and it wilted almost instantly. It popped back up 24hrs later nice and perky, however the bottom leaves started slowly looking necrotic and crispy.

the plant was fed very lightly a little before transplanting, then after the transplant i gave it stricly water. so i dont think its nute burn. unless the ferts in the soil are fuckin things up.

Also, i water with tap water from a jug with an air pump. i bubble the water constantly. but ive never had my water tested. I have several other plants growing in the same conditions that are doing fine. There not as lush green as id like but there no where near the state of this little plant

what happened???


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you think i should feed it a little? . or should i stick with plain water for a bit longer? The soil it was tranplanted in is 3 part mix with no food in it at all.
i dont have a PH meter :(

i know, i should get one eh? I have a coloured liquid ph test kit for aquariums...i check my tap water with it before watering...its always neutral.

i cant really tell if its being over fed. the brown crispyness seems like nute burn but its only happening near the bottom. Im going to do what you said, half strength feedings every other watering. Im going to do one more with plain water though....

Also, the 3 part mix was peat/pearlite/vermiculite. now i used quality 'premiere' brand peat moss, but it didnt say it was PH balanced on the bag anywhere. Maybe the PH IS fuct up a bit.
i wouldn't feed it if it's in shock, i would give it straight water, try some superthrive if your local garden center sells it, great for plants in shock, recovers much faster in my opinion
when the water runs out the bottom of yor plant then collect it and test the ph of that water and you will know

would that work with aquarium test kits? run off water is a bit coloured isnt it? or not enough to affect it? i will try it either way. thanks
word, i'd back off the watering if you watered recently and let the plants heal, then give them a nice good watering, if you can get the superthrive it is a drop to a gallon, powerful stuff, i always give it a bit more, hasn't hurt anything
What is the airflow like in the room? It looks like mildew spoors. If I were you I would make sure none of the leaves are touching soil tie them up, and don't water to much, the last thing that needs is over watering.