This is Weird...


Well-Known Member
i cant beleinve this ive been sitting here for two hours reading about bugs on plants,and there was only two posts that i have seen that described the bugs that i have.They are little shinny bugs that just fly and hop around...So i gooled nothing read nothing so i didnt think that there would be too much harm from them,so i read that you could buy lady bugs and they are bug eaters....So im looking online for sites that sell them 100 for 5 dollars 200 for 10 dollars and im saying im not gonna let 100 lady bugs lose in my house...

Then my cat starts freaking out looking at the light on the ceiling and i see a red bug flying around and im like no way is it could it be....and out of some weirf luck it was a lady bug....the lil bugger landed and i snatched it up and set it free in my garden....

Now tell me thats isnt a one and a million hit to save a plants ...i hope i made some of ya,s laugh i know i did...:clap::clap::clap::clap::clap::


Well-Known Member
Dude you need like 50 ladybugs for them to be effective - And only certain species prey on certain other species of insect, but trying can't hurt. I sometimes release praying mantises in my room to kill bugs if they're there haha. What you have is probably just fungus gnats, they don't tend to do a lot of damage, they live in the soil and munch the roots a tiny bit. If you want to get rid of them just put up one of those yellow sticky traps (for catching flying insects etc.) They're usually at garden centers or hardware stores.


Well-Known Member
ok cool i was thinking of the stickies....i didnt think they would harm the plant but it was def funny on how i turned around and seen the bug lol just thought it was a halarious coincidence u know...