This is weird


Well-Known Member
i would do it if my best friend died and he wished for it in his will
or if like
someone got a super famous dead persons skulls and made a bong out of it for me
i just wouldnt want to go through the hassle of making a bong out of a skull
other than that i would totally be down


Active Member
they would love the catacombs in paris.i wa down there 2 years ago and there were what seemed like millions of skulls down there and all were placed facing out while their bones were below a piece as a souvenir and one woman couldn't enter as she started freaking out at the entrance.


Active Member
wow that's hella crazy. I can't imagine how they could make a bong out of just a skull. either way, who would do that? that's kinda gross.


Well-Known Member
I would like to see a skull bong, i mean what do ya do pack the nose and suck on the spine or maybe pack the ear and suck on the nose????