Active Member
Rightio, first of all the independence movement in Scotland (which is largely irrelevant here) isn't about ethnicity but about nationality, and remembering that Scotland is a nation and a country in her own right, separate from the rest of the UK - England was a country, NI was part of Ireland, Wales was a principality of England: England + Scotland signed a treaty together saying yeah let's be a union, and the then King of Scotland (James the somethingth) became the
king of the UK. But that's beside the point.
You appear to equate white with christian - this is just a fallacy, there are a tiny number of white uk-ites who are muslim, jewish, sikh etc, but a pretty damn big group of them who are athiest or agnostic and reject religion of all types.
If christianity is such an important factor of Britain, then I myself must be out of place. Despite being able to trace my genes right back to the dark ages and still be on the british isles, i am not and never have been christian. I'm not anything else, but i'm not christian.
EDIT: there are also a huge number of immigrants who are christian, but of non-white whiteness and jesus just don't go hand in hand.
Religion is also a matter of choice, and christianity (like most of the rest) has spread throughout the entire world. Do you think that only muslim arabs should be allowed to show/celebrate their culture in the middle east? Or that western trends, sociological phenomena, even companies etc should be confined to the west?
Do you support the various military exploits the UK has engaged in to 'bring democracy to' cultures where democracy is very alien? These are very much the same as those who think the UK should be under Shariah law.
On that point, only about 3-4% of the UK population is muslim, and only a very tiny proportion of them are the nutters who think Shariah law should be/would ever be on the cards here. I disagree with the supporters of shariah law, but i think they're most of them either very stupid or nuts.
Regardless of my opposition to those groups, they are nonetheless partly comprised of people who are british citizens, have grown up here, their parents did too, blah blah they're just nuts. In the same way that the SDL and EDL are nuts, imo.
Apart from that lot, the 'muslims trying to take over the country' (by which i assume you mean women who choose to wear veils and burqas etc), do you criticise Sikh men for wearing their turbans?
I think that in cases where anyone is pressuring any muslim women to wear a veil against her will, then she should absolutely not have to wear the veil. However I know from experience that many of them want to wear their veils etc - it is their choice to respect their own religion and Allah. Allah who is, by the way, essentially the same as God (christian version), who is the same as God (the jewish version). Followers of all 3 religions are the children of Abraham.
OK bear with me here this'll be a bit disjointed but i think it runs vaguely parallel to that post ^
Generally i find that words are a good indicator of a)the personality involved and b)the actions which are likely to follow. Only very very rarely have i ever heard the sentence "gonnae git us some buckie an tan the bus shelter" followed by the speaker holding a door open for me and then attending a wine and cheese evening (metaphor) - i tend to think if it looks like a duck, and it says "i'm a duck",'s a duck.
Yeah Labour are responsible for the blood of all Iraqi (and British) casualties in the 'war', but the conservatives were right there with them saying 'we'd do it too'. Griffin can say that he wouldn't have done that but i bet anyone 50p that if he was PM he would have invaded too. America is one persuasive cunt of an ally.
Whether the UK actually led the way re:human rights is a matter of opinion but certainly they're among the front runners, along with the french and the americans. With so many immigrants to the UK being asylum seekers (not the bogus ones, the actual refugees who would be killed or maltreated in their own countries) it makes sense that as a front runner in the protection and advocacy of human rights, the UK will do what she can to look after those who need protection. Many of whom are non-white foreigners of assorted religions.
See the contradiction i'm trying to point out?
I accept the 'overcrowding' argument, but in real terms it's not the whole country, but areas of it, which are suffering. If they built a few sets of high rises a bit further out of town around each of the main cities then the problem would be solved - obviously the fiscal means aren't currently available, but hey,when have they ever been.
The cases of native whites' housing requests being passed over for immigrants are to the best of my knowledge few and far between. It may seem like a lot if you know a number of victims but that doesn't mean it's happening all over the place.
During my first hand experiences up at the job centre and getting my benefits in, I almost never came across actual immigrants apart from eastern europeans eg polish.
In any case, if Thatcher hadn't sold all the bloody council houses there would be plenty to go around (irrelevant but i'm a thatcher hater).
It's likely that each of our perspectives on the real life implications of immigration are skewed by the differences between our locations. Sounds to me like you're in an immigrant hotspot - i amn't. I personally feel absolutely no threat to the current values of our country (although i wouldn't describe them as 'christian') or to the already diverse cultures which coexist within her.
Moving on, the figures from the last census (albeit from 2001) show that 92% of the UK populace are white, 4% asian or british asian, 2% black or british black, 0.4% chinese, and 0.4% 'other'.
Yeah, it's been 9 years, but even with our immigration figures/records, i simply refuse to believe that there can have been more than about 10% of a swing in any one direction. Which means there are still probably at LEAST 80% way we're getting drowned out. Next year's census will certainly be interesting!
Anyway, loving the LOSING THE DEBATE pic, but dinnae worry i never meant to call you a racist - apologies if it came across that way!
p.s. holy fuck that was a lot of writing
Haha great post mate, sry I can't answer now, I'm fuck tired.
Be back later!