this is my first legal medical grow. how am i doing

My plants are about 1 1/2 months old they are bag seed and under 600 watts cfls and a plant/aquarium tube light they are also LSTd. During one of the LST bends I broke The stem and it healed but as u can see in the pic and it used to b my biggest plant but it stunted the growth like crazy. And in one of the pic is one of the leaf from one of the plants can anyone tell me y. And lastly I have noticed a couple gnats what do I do



Lookin pretty
Where do you get 600 watts of CFL?

For bugs, my suggestion is make a eco friendly bug spray
Get about 3 cigarettes (or some chewing tobacco leaf which is even better) soak it in enough water to fit in a spray bottle (like ones at walmart), then strain the tobacco out, the water should look like a weak tea. Add 1 little drop of an eco-friendly dishwashing detergent like Dawn to the water so it will stick to the leaves. spray every 10 days to keep bugs off the plant (do not use on tomatoes, eggplant, peppers and any other members of nightshade family, as this will kill those plants) It is safe though for cannabis
Well I have 4 150 watt cfls and thanks for the spray idea but do u kno y only a couple of my leaf look like the one in the pic
And also it sucks because the plant in the second pic is about a foot tall standing straight up with some good growth but u wouldn't kno that by the picture
Pic 1 is of the stem I broke about 3 weeks ago and of heal but with a huge growth in stem width just above the break