This is my first Hydro Setup after growing in soil for 32 crops

The Good Doctor

Active Member
I hate the name, but have heard good things about it.

So far so good. Its hard, but Im figuring most of it out. I am wrestling with how to get my co2 going. I have been using pucks, but at 5$ a day, I think I am going to get a couple of boost buckets.

Do you know any concrete information on their ppm output or actual lasting time?


New Member
sure dont...never messed with co2,but i do know that u dont want ventilation going while the co2 is going cuz then its wasted.....cannabis can withstand higher temps when enriched with co2
but im sure google can help u out with the lasting time and such
it would prob be more conveniant and better in the long run to get a tank and regulator

The Good Doctor

Active Member
I get that, but after dumping a shit ton of money on tables, resevoirs, nutes, movers, etc. . . . . 1500$ for co2 starts to sound crappy.

I get the basics of CO2, I have used it before. But am currently not in posession of a system for this. I was figuring the easiest cheapest way to do a 10x15 room.


New Member
yeah it is pricey
u can do a search on here for diy co2.....there r lots of improvs
dont know if there is anything for that big of room,but u could always customize it


Well-Known Member
Looks nice man! It has to be nice having a large grow space. It has been a few days, but from the older pis of your trellis, you could train alot of you taller tops down under it to get a much more even canopy. I just started using CO2 in bottle form, it was $150 for regulator kit, tubing, timer and everything and $90 for a 20lb tank already filled. With a room your size will need alot of CO2 to be effective, at the min you will need to use bottle form if not a generator. At least from everything I have read, those boost buckets are only good for small spaces. GROW ON!

The Good Doctor

Active Member
I did consider putting 2 or 3 buckets in. I was told someone did that effectively, but at that point it is 450$ a grow just on boost buckets(slightly less for the refills).


Well-Known Member
With a sealed room and after about an initial $250 investment its only about $40 - $60 a grow for bottled CO2.


Well-Known Member
Looks nice man! It has to be nice having a large grow space. It has been a few days, but from the older pis of your trellis, you could train alot of you taller tops down under it to get a much more even canopy. I just started using CO2 in bottle form, it was $150 for regulator kit, tubing, timer and everything and $90 for a 20lb tank already filled. With a room your size will need alot of CO2 to be effective, at the min you will need to use bottle form if not a generator. At least from everything I have read, those boost buckets are only good for small spaces. GROW ON!
Yeah I mentioned it in this post you can get a complete setup(regulator,timer, & etc.) without the tank for around $150 and a filled bottle for about $90. Then its $15-$20 bucks for refills, a room your size will need a couple every grow.