this is my first grow


Well-Known Member
thanks fat its getting better every grow. this time nexts year i will be on the way to really knowing what im doing. trial and airer type thing. thats how i learn and from good friends here that really know there shit. but one day lol you like that monster bud, that plant should yield a nice weight of bud going to pull her nexts week she on her 1rst week of water only. going to let her go a couple of day with out water and then flush her one more time then its harvest time, im thinking Saturday she goes on the hanger


In reply to peezy315's post:

Depending on the size of your space, you probably need bigger lights. If you have anything bigger than a 1'x1' space your going to need to up grade to bigger lights very soon. Additionally, watts are NOT as important as the number of lumens and the degrees Kelvin that the bulb produces. Between 10,000 and 15,000 lumens/2-3sq' is desirable and you want a mixed spectrum on the Kelvin. In other words, you always want bluer bulbs AND redder bulbs as this produces a more sun-like light. During veg you want more blue and during flower you want more red, but if you get a good balance between the both then you can use the same lights the whole time just switch to a 12/12 light cycle when your ready to flower. In addition, lights labled "Plant Light", are not always the best bang for your buck because its just another marketing technique to sell more bulbs. I'm using two 300w equivilant cfl (they're about the size of a 2 liter bottle each) and two smaller 100w cfls to give me more red. This requires minimal venting and the lights can be less than an inch from the tops of the plants with no adverse effects. And you do NOT want to be on a 16/8 light cycle as this can confuse your plants and cause premature flowering, 18/6 is the minimum light on you want. Most advanced growers will tell you either 24 hours on (i.e.- always on) or 18/6 for veg. I go with the 18/6 personally, as I feel it makes for happier plants when they have time to rest.
yeah man it looks like ur plants have stretched from what ive seen the problem is most ppl buy a flou fixture and put all red or blue lights u need one of each bulb natural sunshine and a eco bulb or plant one too much red will cause stretching those things kinda look like one heavy bud on it and there gonna topple over and snap u must have not used cool white in the early stages??? from reading on here ive seen that blue spectrum will allow bushing out and less stretching if used for veg???? i had a couple 3000k's reddish ones on my plant before and it seemed to grow real fast but the stem got real long over time like yours and there wasa big space between the bottom 2 leaves and the rest of the foliage eventually the thing looked like a fishing pole with a huge lure on it top heavy bending then toppled over. even though the stem had grown bigger and thicker somewhat it mostly got taller and twinky so this time ive learned not to start off with as much red if ur using a basic bulb cuz the ultra voilet isfactor comes in and you get red ultra violet somewhat with some bulbs im using a single tub fixture for now cuz my double burnt out so now i have to switch bulbs i give it 5 days of ns and 2 days of the redder one seems to be working out even though it is a pain i have a bigger 6 foot fixture all set up but only thing is the juice it uses is more and im only doing one plant


Well-Known Member
im useing 2- 400w hps lights and put a couple 1500 cfl = 2600 lumens each. my 400w puts out 3750 lumens each.
yeah does the cfl or the hps put out a high red spectrum ??? if so u dont got enough blue spectrum light so there stretching and toppling is what im trying to figure out are u using a 6500k hps or a 5000k if not u prolly got 2700k cfls or a 3000k hps bulbs which would cause alot of red light. ultra voilet red to greenish light from the cfls could cause stem growth and stretching . however green light dont usaully do much for a plant


Well-Known Member
what lights put off the blue and ill get one. yes the cfl is 2700 and believe the light is 3000,its a 400w hps/he what ever that is, with a sun burst shield with digital ballast.when i keep it with in a inch or so streching slows down. But then i'm raising the light every day or 2. keeping it down close on flower till the 4th to 5 th week the plants seem to stop in height grow and buds get fatter, my last grow i started flower at 12inches and now they are about 2.5 foot tall and buds are thicking up they are starting 6 week today. Now i also droped my ppm down from 1500 to 1200. im in foxs farm soil and they seem to like it better. Leaves look healthyer, and with out ant burn, did have one that just took a shit dont know why, now theres 17 in flower. It just was very healthy from the start.


Well-Known Member
the lights that i use on these plant are : early veg is a 5t high lumens out put fourestent, then moved down to my 400 hps for two weeks then went to flower, my lighting was ; 24/7 on 5t ,and 18/6 with 400 , 12/12 on flower, never used a white bulb. now my first grow i did'nt keep lights down low on plants so you see the sterech. 2nd grow a little stereching, and on 3rd none at all. keeping the lights down low made the difference.

Mr iNzane

Hey guys I need some help. What are your thoughts about utilizing the Grow Panel Pro for all stages of plant life. Has anyone here tried it successfully?


Well-Known Member
Hey bud,

That monster cola in the back looks awesome. Great pics.
I cant wait to get my shit going.

Cool, I see your lowering the light and the nutes. good move.

I see you have had a few comments in regards to lighting. Everyone is entitled to there opinion, I got one thing to say. Consider the source. Do some research before you buy a bunch of crap you may not need.

If you want optimal lighting for flower I have read that you should use hps and mh two to one. two HPS to one MH at the same wattage. Now, thats assuming the MH is a higher Kelvin like 5500k. Most HPS are at the lower end of the scale like 3000 or 4000k. But MH is available in the lower end also. I have flowered with a 1000w MH at 4000k before and worked fine.

It sounds to me like those guys are using floros. Its a whole different ball game.
The plants will stretch because there is not enough light penetration.
Not necessarily color temp. See what I mean? ya gotta read between the lines.

Well, Thats my opinion.

Happy fourth


Well-Known Member
right well it seams that if i keep the lights down on them they dont stretch, as if i keep it higher up, so these lights work good enough for bud for now. I did put some extra flor.. on the sides to help feel in were light was not as much, thought it would help, and it has just they dont get alot of penetration.


Well-Known Member
here some newpics of thai,blue cheese,crystal,and blue berry. and the out side ladys. the big one is over 7foot now. i have dropped my ppm down to 1000 and plants seem to like it, leaves are looking better as well as buds..o and the blue cheese is budding early out side and dont know why.



Well-Known Member
thanks man trying to get it right.lowerd the ppm down to 900 going to drop it again nexts watering. the tall long bud one is thai supper skunk and it looks like its going to run 12 weeks or more thinking all rest will go on one to two more weeks then there done. they are all in there 8th week weds day starts 9th week.


Well-Known Member
Hey bud,

Cool pics man.
Yea, like your cheese I have a widow thats early flowering this year too.
She is getting mostly morning sun, how about yours.


Well-Known Member
yea mine getting morning sun only but the others are getting the same sun well except the one its stand at 8' now im going to net her up this weekend.dont ned a 18' buy the end of the year. Even though no one would see her but why make it easyer to see and smell. Dude i walk in to the barn and really dont smell a thing, but my bud walks up to it and smells it instantly. lol think im out there to much. lol OK heres my thoughts on the blue berry verses crystal. Crystal has a body high,tasted is fruity. one friend said he tasted fruity pebbles.I take 2 hit and feel good. Now the blue berry o my the high is very strong its a head high. 1 hit im good 2 and its veg time 3 well your fucked up. taist and smells like blue berry. very injoyable . the bag weed is good but theres no comparison its bag lol its what i give to all my friends lol. this next one will be nice in smoke and in viridity, 4 blue cheese, 4 blue berry, 4 crystal, 2 thai skunks and 4 bags and thats the last of bag they were clones. then im changing over to your set up only bigger. im thinking 8 tubs side by side and that top area will be the starter area using my 6" pvc i made its 4- 5'long holding 8 pods in each. were i can have up to 32 up top. just got the rest of my autos in today. gives me 40. 1- lowrider,2- lowrider2, 2-lowrider x ak47,1- ak47,1-blue berry,1- double diesel rider auto. thats my next going to be fun.



Well-Known Member
Sounds cool man,

I like the "Plug an Play" aspect of it. You can move them around when they are small much eaiser. No transplant issues. simple.

You may want to look into making a chiller out of your old air conditioner too.


Well-Known Member
cents i put that other ac in there it stay cold in there, it stay 71- 76 in the heat of the day. but to get water to 66 ill probly use that little frig in the garage. going to run water line in one side to a little res... and out the other side to my tubs. and i like the plug and move to looks alot easyer.


Well-Known Member
Going to cut this weekend, the thai going to go 12 weeks i think. So they will have to place to there selves. Last watering was strait water and they will get to more by sunday then it harvest time. Got to make room, empty jars, bummer, huh lol. This last batch that i cured came out great. Month in the jars was about right. Just getting better day by day in smell and taste. No harshness no burn just taste mmm mmmgood. blue berry mmmm crystal is as good but blue berry is stronger. Bag is good but why waist my time. Cant wait to taste some cheese , and these bb that im cutting buds are much larger than the first ones. But i know i can do better. Think my ppm was way to high from the start on these plants. o well will post pics later before harvest.