This is just in

Behind Dark Clouds

Well-Known Member
Everyone talking about tiny weiners in the politics section needs to know that our dicks aint small.

Post your weiner here for uncle buck and pinworm


Well-Known Member
I think i need to broaden my horisons, spend more time in Politics. Especially as i'm fucking clueless to what most of the threads are about. I mean, i know who Derek O'Bama is, but that about it...
Isn't he, like, the presidernt, or something? I heard he gets laid fairly often. Pretty sure he's pretty badass at basketballs, too.


Well-Known Member
Isn't he, like, the presidernt, or something? I heard he gets laid fairly often. Pretty sure he's pretty badass at basketballs, too.
I think he plays golf. Or used to. I dunno, i'm still stck on maggie thatcher being a (dead-woohoo!) facist bitch, and other than hitler ruining the toothbrush moustache forever my politics have run dry.


Well-Known Member
i'm still stck on maggie thatcher being a (dead-woohoo!) facist bitch,

Gonna send those welfare bums right back to work
Gonna start a war before 84
Start a dirty war in El Salvador
Gonna start a war before 84
Gonna back the contras and apartheid
Gonna start a war before 84
Then I'll win the election by a landslide
Ronnie and Mags, Maggie and Ron
Let’s get together build a neutron bomb
(Ronnie and Mags)
Maggie and Ron, Ronnie and Mags
Let’s go to Grenada and go fly our flags
Could a privatize shut down some mines
Gonna start a war before 84

Gonna start a war before 84
Feed a slice of cake to Bobby Sands
Gonna start a war before 84
Spend a holiday in the Falklands
(Maggie and Ron)
Ronnie and Mags, Maggie and Ron
Gonna get the hostages from Iran
(Ronnie and Mags)
Maggie and Ron, Ronnie and Mags
Let’s go to Grenada and the Falklands
Don’t stop
Ronnie and Mags, Denis and Mags
We know exactly who is wearing the pants
(Maggie and Ron)
Denis and Mags, Maggie and Ron
Let’s have a force and build a neutron bomb
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
A 'go bald warning?' But i'm only 32....
Ok, ditch the tractor and drive a Prada. See, i can lern the polyticks
Don't even try and ditch the demographics. They are disenfranchised, pissed off, and 18 years old. That means something. It's prevalent. Some people say mustard is a good condiment? Are you kidding me?


Well-Known Member
Don't even try and ditch the demographics. They are disenfranchised, pissed off, and 18 years old. That means something. It's prevalent. Some people say mustard is a good condiment? Are you kidding me?
English, french or american? Mustard has nuances a political mind may miss...