This is hilarious!


Active Member
Make sure you watch the ending...

W Dragon

Well-Known Member
yeah i got it mate i missed the last couple of seconds so it didn't make sense lol surely the dude with the camera thought it was strange for a smoker to keep holding the joint and not smoking it??? that's what i originally thought it was about the local window licker mate lol

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Fuck the cops!
Doesn't look like they were to concerned with anything that was going on infront of their eyes, they were minding their business, and if that had been an undercover cop, i'd have thought he'd either make some sort of signal to the police rather than running over, it's not very suibtle what's happening when he runs off, any dealers blah would have skedaddled. Just a stunt for a video. (in my opinion ;))