this is going to be fun....what is the dumbest thing you have ever heard on here?

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Well-Known Member
let me start it off with a couple of my fav's...

1. should i piss in my plants? piss has nitrogen so it should be good right?

2. males have 7 fan leaves and females have 5 fan leaves.

3. should i grind up some valium and feed it to my plants so i can get more stoned?

these are 3 of just yours!:clap:
Ive seen my best buddy on this here site accidentally post a picture of his vehicle on my thread with his license plate showing clear as day! I laughed so hard!!! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
so that is a yes?

can i dig stuff up on all of you? :)

how come i ask a simple question and everybody feels the need to attack me?

and then you all tell me to lighten up. :roll:


Well-Known Member
yeah, so what?

i just asked if you all felt it was cool to clown fellow members. you all said yes.

i'm done here. have fun making yourselves feel superior. :) :wink:


Well-Known Member
so that is a yes?

can i dig stuff up on all of you? :)

how come i ask a simple question and everybody feels the need to attack me?

and then you all tell me to lighten up. :roll:
Hey fdd, if you find something stupid I said, by all means - bring it on over here, I can laugh at myself.;-) I think the dumbest thing I ever posted on here, was asking if males grow trichomes too. lol


Well-Known Member
What a cry baby,

Dont let the door hit ya on the way out!! :clap:
i really don't think i'm crying. though i do i find it sad that you need to insult others to feel better about yourselves. that's all. i'm not crying about anything.

if i was new, and i came here looking for help, and people started teasing me and creating threads to laugh at me, i'd leave.

nice community. :clap:

you really don't get it, do you? :wall: :-(


Well-Known Member
who's dumb? :bigjoint:


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starting to get it yet?
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