This Is Far Worse Than Anyone Could've Ever Imagined..

Owe I'm 50 this week that's nice I'm not going to work because I have to I'm just bored why should I do something hard?
The idea of whistle-blowers was not new. Wikileaks was just a very effective adaptation to the new tech. The term wiki implies open source and collective. Assange warped their mission and privatized it into his own personal platform for notoriety and fame as soon as he was able. Then he used that notoriety to rape (by Swedish standards) several women and fuck over everybody he was working with. There is no way that a wikileaks type project would not survive Assange - you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.
I do appreciate the education, guys.

I haven't been following the antics of Assange, and if y'all think he's a slimeball I'm not going to argue.

You understood the point of my post, that I want to see a whistleblowers platform survive and thrive.

It should not be tied to or beholden to any one person as that would dilute its mission and leave it open to attacks based on that person's behavior or vulnerabilities.

Assange may be the poster child case of this.
I said that in response to your laughing about others suffering police brutality.
iI never said anything about police brutality.... that was a direct response to me saying that "I hoped Antifa got spider mites", and had nothing to do with police brutality... hahaha give me a break.. your just trying to cover your tracks and its not going to work... your a weasel!!! of the highest degree and i wouldn't trust you as far as I could throw you..