This is an auto flower journal plues another grow with in


Well-Known Member
just wondering i dont see alot of trichomes on the hawaiian is in the 9 week of flower. hoping to see it come on strong i hope, now i have had a bunch of new growth on theses buds some got longer some got fater.


Well-Known Member
Yea, looks like widow, long pistils and take forever to finish.
Although mine had a longer main cola with more sun leaf. (single blade leaf)


Well-Known Member
Update time. all ladys are doing fine. 1- Hawaiian Snow. Buds are looking nice, still full of white hairs. 30% have turned amber, at the bottom of plant. The plant is going through a growth spurt. all buds on top have about a inch, to inch and a half of new growth, some grew up some grew out, although is seems like this strain take along time to finnish, we are starting 11 week of flower, not a lot of trichomes yet, that i can see.​
The 7 clones are in flower now for 3 weeks pre buds all over them. The ones under the hps seem to have thicker little bud than the ones under the m/h light, but the m/h light did produce the bud faster than the hps light. hhhmmm go figure right. I did take 4 clones from these lady before flower, and they are growing fine now they are under a hps now. One of them will go out side in a couple weeks.
2- The others in flower are WW, Northern Light, and Big Bud and looking very nice, ww, northern lights already have trichomes all over the buds and leaves. Cant wait to see them fill out. I took alot of clones off these ladys. They are doing nicely. There are 15 of them. I plan on keeping these strains going all year. 3 of these will go out side as well. I think the big bud is the one that streched, lol after all this, its main stock looks like a pretzel. looking at this plant it should produce a good yield. Right now the clones off these ladys are getting 24/7 light under the hps 400
3- auto flower. These plant are growing fast. Looking nice as babys. I have 10 more in grem as of today. Cruzer i bought 10 reg, autos so will see if we get some males. This will be the male i can get some pollen hopefully. These next 10 are blue himalaya, from Short Stuff seed bank. The other male im not going to use. I just dont know if the seeds will come out autos using him. Will still collect his pollen.
all plants got water today, mix with nutes ppm was at 650. on older ladys, and 450 for younger ladys, no nutes for baby clones. ph levels are adjusted to 6.3 on all water. temps are controlled in the 70s.
i will post pics later need batteries for camera.


Well-Known Member
You got no trichome production on the hawaiian that you can see huh? Thats strange, I wonder if it is stressed at all.

So where did you get your NL from? I just ordered some new genetics last noght. Dutch Passion Blueberry, Green House seeds White Rhino and Nirvannas Master Kush. That should hold me for a while. Im droppin the purple kush and trainwreck, I got plenty.

Cool, get some battries, how about a closeup of the Hawaiian bud.


Well-Known Member
heres pics these are 1 week old pics and up to date pics. colas are starting to thicken up here a bit . hawaiian has trics and im seeing more now, just not like the ww, or nl, i got my nl, from seni seed. its looking alsome, as you can see i have alot of clones, of all 3. seeing autos grow faster every day.


Well-Known Member
more pic. you can see the 7 haw... 3 under the m/h and 4 under the hps, also the other is the one that had the curled up leaves she has just started some new grow, its about time, she should look like the others buy now but o well. im thinking on moving the clones up under the 5t light and put the autos under the hps. what ya think? it takes so long to down load pic here. :sad:



Well-Known Member
see that streched plant there, its the same age as the haw... with the big bud ( close up). now that plant im going to just give it r/o water for the next 2 weeks its in it 11 week of flower. takes for ever. from watching this strain it 12 =13 week flower maybe more, hope now. leaves are starting to turn yellow from the bottom up. ahd it got to doses of advance nuts last two watering, i think that why i got new growth. i put one haw... out side and think ill stop the haw.. after this grow. after seeing the ww, nl, and big bud. ill clone off these clone when time. and keep it going.


Well-Known Member
no i dont think its stressed. it never showed any signs of stress. its been a healthy plant all the way through. on this grow iv had no nute burns or heat stress or cold , because i kept the temp in thier in mid 70's at all time. the only plant to show any problem was the one with curled leaves. well then you have strechy there. thats the big bud, if you saw the main cola stem looks like prezel lol

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
Looks like pretzel?? lol:hump: dude, I love the way you describe things, cracks me up! lol.
I still get a smirk thinking about the description where your eyes was all "Chinese" after hitting the smokes! lol :clap:


Well-Known Member
ok went back to figure out how old the hawaiian snow was in flower and friday will finnish 9 weeks. not 11 so that puts oyher at 5 weeks now


Well-Known Member
i dont no, i thiink it northern lights, the one behind i think is the big bud, behind and to the right is haw... and the one to the right of that front one is ww. thonk been looking at them from seniseed pic. that what i come up with. it hard to tell. but i got clones and this stuff looks nasty, and smell is a fruity smell.