this is about 5 months later...???


Well-Known Member
What are you a magician? That was fast lmao. Or am I drunk? Yeah good job. I have heard great things about "Superthrive" I just picked up some at wal fart today for 6 bucks. One bottle will make 2000 gallons of stimulant. Its not a nute though. You'll see if you research it.


Active Member
ok i just got tonight 2 42WATT 2700lumans bulbs. after a week of having 2 24W bulbs this is my results....

Thanks again guys for all your help...i also got 4 new buddies on there way up





Well-Known Member
Good job, man. Give it another 2 or 3 weeks, when you see about 5 sets of alternating nodes, flower that little mofo. You've been wayyyy patient long enough and you've earned the right to smoke that beaaaaaatch.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Im checkin back in and just have 2 more things to add for ya.When you transplant to your next bigger pots get some good dirt spend like 8 bucks on a bag of miracle grow moisture control and put that in the pot then the dirt ball your plant is in then surround it with the miracle grow and top off.Dirt is a big player and that dirt look not so good.Second if Im seeing right you have more then 1 plant in a pot thats a big no no.Seperate them fast.The roots will fight for water and food and choke each other off and make a hell of a mess when you have to transplant them so get them out and remember the rule 1 plant per pot.Keep it up Gettin much better.


Active Member
Im checkin back in and just have 2 more things to add for ya.When you transplant to your next bigger pots get some good dirt spend like 8 bucks on a bag of miracle grow moisture control and put that in the pot then the dirt ball your plant is in then surround it with the miracle grow and top off.Dirt is a big player and that dirt look not so good.Second if Im seeing right you have more then 1 plant in a pot thats a big no no.Seperate them fast.The roots will fight for water and food and choke each other off and make a hell of a mess when you have to transplant them so get them out and remember the rule 1 plant per pot.Keep it up Gettin much better.

thanks for some more educating ther....and no there is not 2 plants in that pot...haha, i just plucked off some of the bottme leaves that were very small and dying...and left them in the pot....but i look into that soil...i dont think i will transplanting the plant anytime soon...just cause of the fact that i have dont it at least 5 times now, and it needs a little rest...haha...

Unless you think i need to transplant it to a bigger pot soon???


Active Member
also? should i be able to tell if my plant is male or female yet??

excess my grammar in my last post, i was in super speed typing apologies...



Well-Known Member
you will when you turn the lights back to 12/12. Sometimes you will see preflowers, but since you said you've been growing the one for 5 months and that's all the bigger it was. All bets are off when it comes to estimating if and when it will show preflowers. Males and females are real easy to tell apart. Actually I should say females are really easy. You see a long white pistil(s) coming from plant.


Well-Known Member
damn 5 months for that.
Like everybody else said get some CFL's and a fan and maybe some more soil?


Well-Known Member
Use nutrient, but watch your dosage and watch what the plant tells you.

Soak 'em and let them dry out completely. pick up your pots when they are BONE dry and feel the weight. This is how you judge the amount of moisture in the pot for the rest of the grow. When it feels light again, water. If it doesn't, don't. Try to only water every couple of days. Don't water daily and don't do little bits of water at a time. Root rot is your enemy.


Active Member
roger that, i try and soak it when i do water it...but i have been doing it ill try and keep it more spread out...but it seems the soil is drying out daily...prolly cause i have some cheap soil...


Well-Known Member
Transplant. The bigger the pot, the more the pot. I can't believe how fast you turned that sucker around. 5 months it survived without a real root system or growth. That in itself is actually amazing.

Have you started adding nutes yet? When you transplant to the bigger pot, make sure to get perlite to put in the pot. This will help you tremendously fight off root rot and other overwatering problems. It allows better drainage and allows oxygen to get to the roots.

I wouldn't worry too much yet about the sex of the plant. Once you go 12/12 it will tell you in a couple of days and you are good to go. You should see the growth during the 12/12. F*in ridiculous the first time you see it.

Good luck and here's to smokin in july!