This is a bong idea/question..not about growing..sorry


ok..i just was wondering if this was a plausible idea before i even try it...

I'm a very creative bong maker, I make bongs out of every bottle i can find, just because it's fun..Recently I took a small Gatorade bottle and created a small bong in about 2 minutes worked...amazingly, to say the least..

Even more recently my friend was asking about spliffs(the spliff that is a toilet paper tube with a dryer sheet attached to it so when you blow out smoke it smells good, used to reduce the smell of weed, letting you smoke in small places and not getting caught)(my friends call it a spliff, idk what its actually called)

My friend asked, if you suck in through a dryer sheet would it taste good..i told him hes an idiot..but what if the dryer sheet was washed of all chemicals and a flavor was added to it?..we washed a dryer sheet, scrunched it up into a pill container from Rite-Aid popped it on to the gatorade bottle(which fit perfectly!) and smoked from taste difference obviously..then we thought mouth wash might work..i didnt have mouth wash so we raided my kitchen..we found nesquick chocolate milk powder mix..i wet the cleansed dryer sheet and powdered it up..did the same thing, and it actually had a slight chocolatey taste to it..slight..not very noticable..

I was wondering, If i were to make a much longer bong, with multiple "chocolate filters" would this turn out to taste like chocolate weed? or any flavor all about changing the flavor of weed, it would be yea..thanks for reading..


lol..sooo so true..but how badass would that be!? seriously..if i can perfect this, ill put up blueprints and instructions and shit so the world can enjoy my awesomeness :D


Well-Known Member
dude i do the same thing as you. first of all make a multi-chamber piece. use plastic tubing from a hardware store to mend several bottles (i did this and my piece hits amazing.) as for the flavor, i wouldnt bother with that method. if you want flavored bud, put your favorite flavor of juice in a spray bottle, mist your nugs thoroughly and let them dry. It works amazingly.