Well-Known Member
Looks like she is on the road to femaleville to me.
Go ahead and switch that girl over to flower. looks like she is just about ready. Any ways good find keep up the good growingwell destiny i believe is on her 4or 5 week in veg no pre flowers yet took pics but I don't see anything. gotta get a magnafying glass from the $ tree
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what do u mean a cleaner container. plastic is plastic weather u pay 18 cent or 18 dollars.
ha ha funny. sorry will have to excuse me i have baby brain. just found out Im preg so a bit cloudy at the moment. ya i am gonna repot today but can only use the 3 liters at the moment so will tape up the bottom 1/4 that shows out from under the label. The roots do seem to be getting brow but it also need a major re-potting.will have to cut of dead roots.
ok Destiny is in her new home. I have used a 31/2 gallon kitty litter container with MG organic. the roots were deff compacted but not rot so just lightly releases the roots and put her in the bucket.The new growth was neon yellow before i put her in. I hope this does the trick!!she's in her home till she bites the dust!!