This has to be fate!

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
ok so was out in town with my husband yesterday doing some shopping when we decided to got to the towns information booth( Kinda like a park and ride only it has maps and fun thins you can do in the area) anyway we just sat there talking and I looked over and to my surprise what did I see but the most perfect sight in the world. There growing out of the curb in a hand full of sand was a 4 inch plant it already has 3 sets of nodes!At first I glanced out my window and it crossed my mind" Maybe that's a mj plant" then I though no way. hundreds of people stop here everyday there no way something like that would survive. I told my husband and he kinda shrugged it off like ya right. But I just could not let it go so i got out and had a look and sure enough it was!! I dug it up with an ice scraper and sat it in a tin can till i could get home. The baby is resting fine along with my other 15 or so that just sprouted today. I say this is fate because I tried to germ 25 seeds about a week ago and they got to hot and died.( I did not realize this until 8 days in and nothing had sprouted yet.)All the teenage kid hang out up there at night and somebody obviously threw some seeds out the window and voila a baby!!:lol:
I though for sure it would be wilted today due to the switch but it's super perky and green. Already has a smell too!


Well-Known Member
OMG.. how fun.
Hopefully she is a female.. make sure to take cuttings off of her in a few weeks. If she turns out to be really good, you can keep the plant around forever..

I used to plant seeds all around town when i was in high school.. I planted them at the police station in their planters.. A few plant there got over 2' tall. This was reported back to me at boarding school, which I got shipped off to in early summer... Point being, even pigs can't tell sometimes what is right under their noses..

Great score!

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
now that i look on line i see there are a lot of plants that look like mj. gonna have to get a pic up of it just to make sure. I am about 98% sure at the moment. would just feel silly if I dug up a tree or something!


Active Member
ok so was out in town with my husband yesterday doing some shopping when we decided to got to the towns information booth( Kinda like a park and ride only it has maps and fun thins you can do in the area) anyway we just sat there talking and I looked over and to my surprise what did I see but the most perfect sight in the world. There growing out of the curb in a hand full of sand was a 4 inch plant it already has 3 sets of nodes!At first I glanced out my window and it crossed my mind" Maybe that's a mj plant" then I though no way. hundreds of people stop here everyday there no way something like that would survive. I told my husband and he kinda shrugged it off like ya right. But I just could not let it go so i got out and had a look and sure enough it was!! I dug it up with an ice scraper and sat it in a tin can till i could get home. The baby is resting fine along with my other 15 or so that just sprouted today. I say this is fate because I tried to germ 25 seeds about a week ago and they got to hot and died.( I did not realize this until 8 days in and nothing had sprouted yet.)All the teenage kid hang out up there at night and somebody obviously threw some seeds out the window and voila a baby!!:lol:
I though for sure it would be wilted today due to the switch but it's super perky and green. Already has a smell too!
This is a great story. ........ btw You need a new method for germing your seeds. Throwing them in a glass of regular tap water and waiting always works for me.

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
thanks for the + rep!!
I did orignally put them in a shot glass of water for 24hrs and this is how i killed them. only bag seed so no this time i went with the tried and true method put the seed in some dirt and 36 hrs later they are all sprouted two have already thrown the shell and stretching leaves! I am so excited this is my first real indoor grow. I feel like I did in Kinder-garden when we planted our bean sprouts and realized it would grow. life in the palm of your hand. who knew!


Well-Known Member
It is exciting isn't it? Plants are odd and wonderful things, let alone ones you can smoke... And all that potential energy in a teeny tiny seed! It still amazes me. Sometimes I get bored and grow seeds from my salad in random potplants around the house. My dad was just like 'where the hell did those come from, there was just a palm in that pot!'

Awesome for you and your new adopted daughter <3

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
ok here we go sorry about the quality they were taken with my ps3 eye camera!ECP_00003.jpgECP_00002.jpgECP_00001.jpg

so what do u think is it mj or just some silly oak tree!!

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
Thanks. Wanted to make sure I wasn't going crazy here! think I will start a journal all my babies are awake and stretching their leaves! you guys are great!!


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Wanted to make sure I wasn't going crazy here! think I will start a journal all my babies are awake and stretching their leaves! you guys are great!!
Most of the time people find plants that are not cannabis.. This is a cool find.
If it turns out to be female, you can clone her.. If it is male, you could hide him away from your girls and collect some pollen so that you could pollinate a few branches of your females selectively to build-up your seed stash..

I'm interested in following this grow through to the end :)

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
wow if it turns out to be a girly that would just put me over the moon.I believe things don't just happen! everything is for a reason. so either way male or female I will keep it and either get some nice bud or some seeds!

Maine Buds

Well-Known Member
ok so I have been out all day. I checked the babies at 10:30 this morning and they were doing great. I got back home at 4:30 and my newest addition to the collection was starving. the two bottom leaves are all yellow and brown at the ends and about ready to fall off. the next set of leaves are half way yellow. I know this mean it's time to feed. So i gave her a supper diluted mix. now dont laugh at me I dont have any high tech plant food just some miracle grow. but the box says 24-8-16. I mixed 1/4 of a teaspoon in 1 gallon of water. is this diluted enough? or to much?I didn't want to give it to much as i had already watered it a bit this a.m( with my squirt bottle) since it is turning yellow does this mean that the roots have already taken? or do u think the leaves are turning yellow because I damaged the roots when I dug it up and now it is just not getting any nutrition. I dont have it in pot soil but soil from my garden. it is a very rich color but may be to thick and MJ has no oxygen. I don't know.


Well-Known Member
Good luck rescuing your baby <3

As for finding it all alone an abandoned, I hear people are trying to intentionally trying to crossbreed commercial marijuana strains with the hardier Ruderalis subspecies. Lordy, it could be anything...

Anyhow I wish you all the best and want to see more updates like when you adopt an Amur Leopard or something ^^