This guy really should have read up on ventilation.


Well-Known Member
British man killed by heat from cannabis farm inside his home
  • By Alastair Taylor of The Sun in London
  • From: NewsCore
  • May 17, 2010 12:28PM
A MAN has died in bed after being overcome by the heat from cannabis farms set up inside his British home.

The Sun said Luke Holmes, 28, set up three foil-lined tents each containing marijuana plants cultivated under a battery of halogen lamps.

The powerful lights sent the temperature in his home soaring to more than 38C (100F), an inquest heard.

Holmes died in his sleep and was found three days later when friends broke into his house in Halifax, West Yorkshire.

Police almost fainted from the heat when they entered the property on a warm day last June.

The inquest in Bradford heard that Holmes was a drug user, although no drugs were found in his system.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
he must have had a serious thing about not drinking anything as well... it's hot but not that hot, it would take a seriously retarded lack of self preservation to pull that one off.