This guy is trolling my every move on riu

it has been burnt.............that plants all fucked up and u know it
As much as I dont agree with growing with MG, woody those plants are not burnt. And rikinstein thank you agin on the complemant for my garden and sorry about jabbering off about the organic thing, I´m just a naturallist and there are to beknown carciogens in some of MG´s products, so you could be using something that doesnt have them in it, I apoligize. As for my friggin insulation issue, thats the only spot like that in there and theres really nothing I can do about it beacuse of some pipes and wiring behind and it wont push back in, so yes I have that agaisnt me.
Like the world really cares that he is using MG , millions of satisfied customers use the shit and the plants could care less about the name .. Cya , I got patients to visit with and help ! keep talkin like that and I might start to like woody I'm givin you shit, well cuz I'm havin fun, I really don't give a shit if anybody but me is happy with my grow...

well its true.......looks great for your first time ..........if it were my first i would be damn proud....................but i see these threads and then i see u and your homies and i see your bs about how great mg is and it makes me gag
That's what I'm gona do from now on...ya ya ya yeh...lmao..ooohhh I'm fuckin high!!! I can't stop laughing thanx...

Im so fucking high right now. I just went to youtube typed in funny troll songs and this was there. Didnt think id ever see a vid of woody on the net....I laughed my fucking ass off. I keep playing the music in the background of me cant stopped laughing......
Im so fucking high right now. I just went to youtube typed in funny troll songs and this was there. Didnt think id ever see a vid of woody on the net....I laughed my fucking ass off. I keep playing the music in the background of me cant stopped laughing......

might see a video of woody and never even know it
it has been burnt.............that plants all fucked up and u know it

Is that your most helpful critique "that plant is burnt" because that's all your little fingers seem to be able to type. Do you see little pink rabbits in these photos as well. I Do!

And where's the pictures of your last few grows? Ever grown before? Toss up a couple of your plants pics and I'll show you some miracle grow girls that are tearing it up as we speak.
Is that your most helpful critique "that plant is burnt" because that's all your little fingers seem to be able to type. Do you see little pink rabbits in these photos as well. I Do!

And where's the pictures of your last few grows? Ever grown before? Toss up a couple of your plants pics and I'll show you some miracle grow girls that are tearing it up as we speak.

same story i hear every time .............they say their plants are great they post pics........plants suck
same story i hear every time .............they say their plants are great they post pics........plants suck

Well then like I said toss up some pics of your current robust grow and I'll do the same.

The gauntlet is thrown down. I'll even put a little personalized note in the pic just for you. Make sure you do the same and put a note in your picture with RIU so I can verify it's not just some GIS you pulled off the internet..

My MG plants against anything you have to offer. Your move.
Its funny when idiots point out tip burn as an experienced grower will often do this on purpose to test the plants thresh , like every pot plant is suppose to be picture perfect in the end .. Get real and understand that nothing is perfect lol .. Not even yourself or your own personal methods .. Fuck there is a million ways to skin a cat and to each there own .
I use MG all through veg and have never had a problem. It's cheap and available everywhere, it even comes in little packets that are pre-measured for a gallon of water
Its funny when idiots point out tip burn as an experienced grower will often do this on purpose to test the plants thresh , like every pot plant is suppose to be picture perfect in the end .. Get real and understand that noting is perfect lol .. Not even yourself or your own personal methods .. Fuck there is a million ways to skin a cat and to each there own .

Yeah but 80% of the people I see posting "OMG what happened to My Babies" do not even have a problem. Got a fleck of brown here or there and a hole in a leaf. Gimmee a fukkin break. You don't have a problem, but hey lets start dumping shit on it to try to correct 6 possible things at once. Now we DO have a problem. What now?

But a poser is a poser.

And Woody, I'm sure you are doing a photoshoot for High Times in your grow today, but just a reminder I await your photos.
Yeah but 80% of the people I see posting "OMG what happened to My Babies" do not even have a problem. Got a fleck of brown here or there and a hole in a leaf. Gimmee a fukkin break. You don't have a problem, but hey lets start dumping shit on it to try to correct 6 possible things at once. Now we DO have a problem. What now?

But a poser is a poser.

I read the hole in my leaf post lmao . I concur , people get stupid over nothing nine times out of ten and then really fuck it all up ..