This gunna work out?


Hey there everybody, first post so might as well start it off right with some requested advice!

I've been really interested in doing a micro grow in a secluded corner of my room. I'm working with a space that is 18"x20" and has 29" of vertical space till it hits a bar on my wall(dimensions in attached picture; pardon the poor MS paint skills..) I'm good with the mechanics of growing (more experience outdoors, first time indoors but figure I can give it a shot). I was just looking on some advice on what i should do for air flow (2 good PC fans maybe?). I'm workin with a pretty strict budget here so, I'm considering a big cardboard box with the interior covered in in some type of shiny material. The box as long as its in my corner doesn't really have to be discrete, my rooms kept on lock, but I am living with the fam so I cant have a huge wholesale operation going here.

I'm kinda baked now so let me just express my needs and ideas in bullet form, let me know what ya think:

  • Like i mentioned, cardboard box meeting the dimensions of my space ( cardboard + lights = fire? hope not )
    with interior coated in shiny material, aluminum foil, etc,
  • Power strip attached to top of box somehow, along with (haha just looked at the clock its 4:20) 4 of those lightbulb socket plug things which leads me to my next idea:
  • Lighting: 4 27watt 6400k CFLs for vegging and 4 27watt 2400k bulbs for flowering
  • Venting: 2 good computer fans (got some kicking around somewhere). Cut out 2 holes in the box and put the fans in with a snug fit and seal with duct tape?? Seems like it'd work, and also what would be the best position of the fans, One on top of the other? Side by side? Also how would I get the fans running, is there some kind of adapter i can
  • Smell control (this is a pretty important one): i know theres like some kind of gel or something i can use for odor control. ONA brand or something? Jog my memory please
  • LST rack: Like the growcases found on, i'm gunna attach some mesh or something to intertwine my plants through it to do a little makeshift lsting. Gotta get the most outta my space dont ya think?
  • Random questions: clfs are pretty power-efficient right? im not gunna see electric bill bankrupt me? also is an 18/6 light cycle good or does it vary by strain, or what. like i said im used to just mother nature taking her course, never had to really think about light schedules that much. Should i wrap outside of box in duct tape or something? And what would I be looking at for yields in these kinda conditions? Figure, like 25 inches from ground to bottom of lights, could probly get a pretty good plant huh? evben without lst? how many plants would be enough but not too much to crowd them, maybe 2 or 3?
ANYWAYS, sorry for all the reading, haha. Just wanted to provide as much info as possible to make stuff clear. Pretty simple stuff, just lookin for some feedback from some more experienced peeps about it. Thanks for the help guys



Active Member
Cardboard box sounds Kinda shaky my friend, invest in some 2x4's and some mdf if want to do a cheap cab. You have alot of optons with cfls. PC grows, rubber maids, etc. Just search and read before you make any plans, your grow will come to you.


shaky as in STRUCTURALLY shaky? or just shaky as in problems could arise? I'm pretty sure I could find a box strong enough or reinforce it to be strong enough to hold up lighting, figured as long as it was the basic box shape it could have some hope. Building a cab would just add expenses to this semi-low budget operation :P