this good grow box?


Well-Known Member
check out craigslist or ebay
personally, pc grow boxes seem a tad small and enclosed for the money
unless you're a dwarf go for something a little larger, even for the money you can
obtain something better and have a larger yield


Well-Known Member
I am going to buy this grow box
Do you guys think this is any good? I live in Canada by the way. Fell free to give me other grow box suggestions if you guys think this is not a good grow box.
hey there dont waist your money on that when you could build for way less and they are small very small the two grow boxes i built from two old armoir's bought for 10 bucks at a yard sale some light fixtures mylar hot glue gun cause its non toxic a bit of caulking for sealing all said and done i did my two grow closets one for soil the other for hydro ebb and flood for under 150 $ i was lucky as i have alot of light fixtures laying around flouescents too there u might have to spend a few extra dollars but if you go with those small boxes in time youll have to buy an even bigger box to house them if u plan on keeping them there and then youll be cursing yourself but here are some pics of what ive done ....also the lighting is only setup for vegging right now.


Well-Known Member
Buy an amoire and do it yourself much cheaper and way more room mine is 6' x 3' x 2' and i run a 600 in it and im loving it the total box building cost me about 120.00 us because i went with a very good fan for box air removal....good luck and peace
The thing is I don't know how to make one. I have so many extra Cabinet's in my basement. But the thing is I don't want to mess up. I am ready to make one but I don't know what materials to get. If I get some materials I would not know what do do with them. Is there any sort of guide in how to make a grow box or cabinet or anything? I have looked allot over the net and can't seem to find a step-by step guide in how to make a proper grow box with pictures.