This Girl is Struggling, Can Anyone Advise? Iranian Autoflower IAF


Well-Known Member

thanks for looking. 6 week old plant growing poorly after leaves grow out. some leaves curl, they get kind of dry and brittle feeling. you can see the light green color and damage on the leaves. shes iranian autoflower under a 100w 2' 4 bulb 6500k t5. the soil is FFOF. the water is filtered tap water, ph'd @ 6.8 and runoff is 6.3-6.5, approx 135ppm before and after filter (i think it just removes chlorine). i started feeding her a 1/3rd strength veg mixture of botanicare gro and micro and she started doing this. ive had to remove complete dead leaves, ive flushed her, ive even rinsed the roots and repotted her. its still the same story, nice green new growth then this look, eventually yellowing as the dead consumes the leaf. if anyone can help, thank you! ps... im new to soil, never had anything like this in hydro.


Well-Known Member
i havent checked the ppm on the feeding but where the botanicare feeding schedule calls for 10ml/gal, im using 3ml/gal. i am switching to foxfarm soil nutes today (waiting for the delivery guy) also going to start a root innoculant and go from the 5" pot to the 3 gal pot (i have clean white roots peeking out the bottom). no, i'm not using cal mag, but i have been thinking cal def, all the symptoms are there except for the dark green leaves, but could a cal def lock up my nutes and cause other defs, causing the very light color? i also have 2 seedlings that ARE very dark green and starting to wrinkle and distort. they are getting filtered water only.

im feeling kinda helpless in soil, in hydro, if i made a change, i saw it, with soil... well i guess i just dont know what im doing yet! lol! thanks for your help!!!!!