every time i get nauseated about the "new generation" i remember that i'm fucking 30 years old and i'm not SUPPOSED to have anything in common with junior high and high school kids. i was every bit as vomitous to people my age and older when i was in school with my jnco jeans and my music and idiotic notions of life, and people in their 50s still think my generation is spoiled and ruined XYZ etc.
that being said, fuck today's music. fuck it to hell. that stuff is awful. and i've never had a facebook. if someone needs it to network for their career then fine, but when i see someone i know in public i turn my head and pretend i didn't see them. no way in hell am i giving them 24 hour access with a internet record that NEVER goes away. and when actual friends of mine put pictures of me on their pages i want to break their windshield. if i wanted to update people on my life i'd have my own fucking page. i don't care who has kids, i don't care how much better everyone's life is than mine, i don't care about trivial day to day happenings in their lives or their puddle-deep analysis of the hot topic du jour. this new generation is fucking themselves before they even start their life with that shit, but adults should know better and don't.
i used to make fun of crotchety old people who shunned phones and tv. i'm pretty sure i get it now. i'm never giving up my tv, but i get it. i feel like 30 is the new 18. everyone is stuck in teenager mode. a lot of people my age don't follow the news or vote or even care how it all affects them but can name all the people on 7 reality shows about nobody. i can't tell if i act too old or if they're stuck in high school, and i'm immature as fuck. i still make fart noises when people bend over for fuck's sake and i think everyone ELSE is stuck in high school.
for the record i was drunk and stoned at 11 and i outgrew the party stage around 25. that's not a new thing.