this forum is terrible


Well-Known Member
Dude you'll find your place here sooner or later. It's rough being the new kid in school for a little bit, but it all passes. Me personally, I won't partake in the other forum sites this is my home if you call it that. There's priceless info on this site and tons of laughs as well. Gotta learn how to take a punch and when to punch back though.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
The females here have to prove themselves in the Pictures of Yourself Thread. You have to have a clear piece of paper in the pic with your ID. :eyesmoke:
Oh yes and no strings attached, either! That's just tacky.

Sx yeah :) I believe UB called me mellow farmer! OH MY! He now ignores me with aplomb :) see how well we can all get along here. It's a regular Mr. Rodger's Neighborhood.


Well-Known Member
This forum is terrific. The longer you're here, the more you get use to the dysfunction. And like it. So many beautifully broken people here. Just like me.


Well-Known Member
This forum is terrific. The longer you're here, the more you get use to the dysfunction. And like it. So many beautifully broken people here. Just like me.
Maybe i can help put you back together... Sucks to be broken don't it?
These helped me. LOL;)


Active Member
It's all about how you react to it. The best thing to do for negativity is just ignore it, tell yourself "It's just a forum and not worth my stress." If a thread gets rude, don't go back to that thread. If someone stalks you and posts negative things in reply to your posts, block that person.

People have all kinds of inner issues that cause them be rude, and none of those issues are related to you, so don't take things personally. And remember you're dealing with a bunch of pot heads. When we're high, we're happy, and when we're sober, we really don't want to be.

Sometimes you'll cause them to be rude by being stupid. For example, yesterday I made some people less than happy by saying we won't go extinct by killing all the bees. The whole thread cracked me up and still makes me laugh, but when I knew I'd posted something that would make them mad, I just didn't go back. The truth is I know nothing about bees, haha. Give them a hard time, laugh about it, and move on. Sometimes this is what they're doing to you, too. Nothing on here is worth your stress.


Well-Known Member
yh its a nice place to hang out nd a really good place to learn shit....
stop tryin ta wind folks up and you'll be cool if you cant stop trollin and dont like it when you get called out on it then go else where BRO!


Active Member
Here's some friendly advice: Respect is earned when you're the new kid. You came here pretty strong and put people off. Maybe a little humility for a while will get you where you want to be.
IDK about that Clay, I came on strong and found I just stuck to people,
I guess its all about how abrasive you are, don't want to rub people the wrong way...
Different strokes for different folks, i guess :D


Well-Known Member
Many of my answers to all new and aged growers alike come from google. lol

Sure it may bring me back to RIU or somewhere else. but the "Google" does the work that I get credit for. hahaha

I'm not saying don't ask questions. I'm saying, If you don't get the answer you were expecting. Google it. HAHAHHA

I know people can be very rude.
That's why i try to limit my questions.. :)


Well-Known Member
im not siding up with him cos he's a trollin fraggle but some folks aint as sure about stuff than us that have been init for a lil while lol

anyway gone off topic back to bashing lol get at it guys


Active Member
Ehhhh, nobody bashes here.
It's all friendly cajoling, right?
Can't anticipate when somebody's going to be straight BITCH-made, and get all butthurt.
Lord knows I've taken my share of flak, I eat that shit with a spoon *om nom*.
You say Berate, i say Benign. Again, different strokes different folks.


New Member
you guys are fucked. she seemed like a cool chick with a nice smile and even had the guts to put he face as her avatar. she wasnt hiding anything or being an idiot troll as far as im concerned. while she might have thin skin (like most guys here do.. trust me. pretty sure ive made some of you fucks here cry before) she said she was just diagnosed with a serious disease and was looking for some suggestions and friends. I dont know why, but I really hoped she was successful in that. sucks to see that she wasnt, instead she just got treated like shit after being honest and nice, trying to fit in, and the trolls here shit all over her and ran her outta here. what bunch of fucks you all are... but hilarious though... not really.

personally, I dont give a fuck or care what anyone says, youre all just a bunch of random idiots on a weed forum to me, as I am to you. but im sure more people will agree with the above statement than the people that found your guys jokes funny.

I hope she finds a forum or group that can offer her advice and maybe help her with her disease, instead of struggling to think of a joke about it.


Well-Known Member
Trolls are to be expected, they seek out new fish and when there's blood in the water it turns into a frenzy.

RIU is no different then any other site and regardless of much you look there will be no sanctuary from the redundant, vapid repartee of the troll...though in it's defense I must admit, RIU has certain quality to it's trolls that you will be hard pressed to find elsewhere.



New Member
RIU has certain quality to it's trolls that you will be hard pressed to find elsewhere.
I hope youre not saying its hard to find this high quality of trolls? theyre nothing special you just havnt seen any other ones, some of the jokes and pics here are pretty fuckin desperate, old and over used.

I think you mean quantity.