why are you postingstuff they is not official in azthey are still counting the vots and the margin is small here is the latest on Arizona as of today..
PHOENIX (AP) -- Arizona voters were split evenly on the issue of allowing marijuana use for medical purposes, leaving the proposition far too close to call.
Proposition 203, which would allow those with serious, chronic illness to obtain 2 1/2 ounces of marijuana every two weeks or grow 12 marijuana plants, was failing early Wednesday but by a margin that had dwindled to fewer than 5,000 votes out of 1.3 million cast.
There was no clear theme to the outcome of the 10 propositions on the state ballot, with voters approving measures that defy the federal health care plan and reject affirmative action, but turning down a proposal to make hunting and fishing a constitutional right.
Voters rejected a proposition that would have eliminated an array of early childhood services funded by tobacco tax revenue.
Arizona has about 374,000 ballots to count
Election officials across Arizona have an estimated 374,000 early and provisional ballots still to count from Tuesday's general election.
Most of those ballots are in Maricopa County. The state's largest county by population has nearly 219,000 early ballots and 55,000 provisional ballots still to count.
Pima County has about 47,000 outstanding ballots, including more than 34,000 early ballots.
Congressional seats in southern Arizona held by Democrats, Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and Rep. Raul Grijalva, remain too close to call. Three ballot measures are also too close to call, including one that would legalize medical marijuana.