this economy sucks balls


Active Member
moved to st louis a few months back with my girlfrfiend, started job hunting before i got out here, she already had one lined up. now im still searching after about 4 or 5 months, and ive got the qualifications for a great job, but i believe its jsut the economy fucking me over pretty bad at this point, and to make it all worse, i havent smoked the whole time just to make it possible to pass any tests.

anyone else dealing with the same crap?

i might use my holiday break between christmas and new years to smoke a blunt though. lol


New Member
^^^^ it'll fawk you.Stay tough.Who knows maybe someone will hire after the new year.
As you know,its always tough finding a job in a new area where you have no contacts. 99% of the time its who ya know.Then your qualifacations (i can't even spell it,lol) will back you up.
Networking is where its at.Meeting people is hard but usually thats how I get work.Somebody knows somebody who needs a guy,etc.I have put out hundreds of resume's and filled out apps everywhere.When it comes down to it I have to beat the pavement and go job to job till I find a open position.
ps.I look for work a lot.bad attitude they


Well-Known Member
Another 4 more years of Obama and you'll really see what dire straights we're in. Millions have left the workforce and have given up hope......after xmas there will be more mass layoffs and the economy will really tumble. Taxes go up, Obamacare kicks in, inflation will really start to take off a money continues to be wildly printed....... better buckle the seat belt cause we're in for a bumpy ride.

Omgwtfbbq Indicaman

Well-Known Member
the economy is doing fine for those at the top, and its still getting better, those at the bottom who've made strides are gonna have to catch their breath.

Fungus Gnat

Well-Known Member
Another 4 more years of Obama and you'll really see what dire straights we're in. Millions have left the workforce and have given up hope......after xmas there will be more mass layoffs and the economy will really tumble. Taxes go up, Obamacare kicks in, inflation will really start to take off a money continues to be wildly printed....... better buckle the seat belt cause we're in for a bumpy ride.
Ahh how I wish I were an ammo manufacturer so I could soak saps like you.


Active Member
yeah the contacts thing has been making it worse too, so far my best plan of action is emailing someone at a company directly asking to meet, even if its not for an interview along with my resume. its worked out okay. that and job placement agencies are starting to look a little better. I might as well just move to canada and pick up the accent and start fresh for all the work im putting in lol


Global Moderator
Staff member
yeah the contacts thing has been making it worse too, so far my best plan of action is emailing someone at a company directly asking to meet, even if its not for an interview along with my resume. its worked out okay. that and job placement agencies are starting to look a little better. I might as well just move to canada and pick up the accent and start fresh for all the work im putting in lol
What field are you in ?