Awww shucks. What happened to you the last couple weeks? You seemed to have cracked up a bit. I hope you're doing ok.
It has been a stressful holiday season, as usual.
Ya know, people (ALL people) get a little bit off balance over Xmas.
My boss and I ended up two inches offa each others nose screaming "Fuck ME??? No, Fuck YOU". LoL. It was quite a show. I hope someone recorded it. It ended with him telling me I was fired, and me saying "You can't fire me. I fire YOU. And FUCK YOU at the same time." LoL
In addition: One of our back up generators caught fire on Christmas Eve. So, fire department, cops, chemicals, wet, diesel everywhere. Now, cleanup. EPA, Water Resources Board, Air Quality Board, Cannabis Licensing board, and a half dozen white shirt clipboard carrying bureaucrats stumbling about taking pictures.
Two of my trimmers out - one pregnant. "What ... you can't trim with a bump out in front of you? I mean, I understand, when your water breaks you might have to take a day off ... but when is that, like next week or something, right?" I have no problem with a trimmer nursing and trimming at the same time. I'm woke, yea man.
Then, the delivery of fertilizer was wrong and I had to drive to Sacramento to pick up a couple of pallets of the right stuff. Why did my dick boss wait to order ferts till the last minute? THAT is what makes an emergency that I have to deal with.
That was actually a nice break, left my cell phone with a co-worker because 'cell reception is spotty on that trip.' LoL. Yea, right.
Other than that?
Everything has been just fine.
Hunky dory.
Can't wait for next Christmas.
Thanks for asking, and thanks for 'listening'.
I'm going to go pet my unicorn now.