This economy ... 2020

I believe that about you Han ... that's why I spend so much time and energy trying to educate you.
I think you're worth it.
Awww shucks. What happened to you the last couple weeks? You seemed to have cracked up a bit. I hope you're doing ok.
Awww shucks. What happened to you the last couple weeks? You seemed to have cracked up a bit. I hope you're doing ok.
It has been a stressful holiday season, as usual.
Ya know, people (ALL people) get a little bit off balance over Xmas.

My boss and I ended up two inches offa each others nose screaming "Fuck ME??? No, Fuck YOU". LoL. It was quite a show. I hope someone recorded it. It ended with him telling me I was fired, and me saying "You can't fire me. I fire YOU. And FUCK YOU at the same time." LoL

In addition: One of our back up generators caught fire on Christmas Eve. So, fire department, cops, chemicals, wet, diesel everywhere. Now, cleanup. EPA, Water Resources Board, Air Quality Board, Cannabis Licensing board, and a half dozen white shirt clipboard carrying bureaucrats stumbling about taking pictures.
Two of my trimmers out - one pregnant. "What ... you can't trim with a bump out in front of you? I mean, I understand, when your water breaks you might have to take a day off ... but when is that, like next week or something, right?" I have no problem with a trimmer nursing and trimming at the same time. I'm woke, yea man.
Then, the delivery of fertilizer was wrong and I had to drive to Sacramento to pick up a couple of pallets of the right stuff. Why did my dick boss wait to order ferts till the last minute? THAT is what makes an emergency that I have to deal with.

That was actually a nice break, left my cell phone with a co-worker because 'cell reception is spotty on that trip.' LoL. Yea, right.

Other than that?
Everything has been just fine.
Hunky dory.
Can't wait for next Christmas.

Thanks for asking, and thanks for 'listening'.
I'm going to go pet my unicorn now.
It has been a stressful holiday season, as usual.
Ya know, people (ALL people) get a little bit off balance over Xmas.

My boss and I ended up two inches offa each others nose screaming "Fuck ME??? No, Fuck YOU". LoL. It was quite a show. I hope someone recorded it. It ended with him telling me I was fired, and me saying "You can't fire me. I fire YOU. And FUCK YOU at the same time." LoL

In addition: One of our back up generators caught fire on Christmas Eve. So, fire department, cops, chemicals, wet, diesel everywhere. Now, cleanup. EPA, Water Resources Board, Air Quality Board, Cannabis Licensing board, and a half dozen white shirt clipboard carrying bureaucrats stumbling about taking pictures.
Two of my trimmers out - one pregnant. "What ... you can't trim with a bump out in front of you? I mean, I understand, when your water breaks you might have to take a day off ... but when is that, like next week or something, right?" I have no problem with a trimmer nursing and trimming at the same time. I'm woke, yea man.
Then, the delivery of fertilizer was wrong and I had to drive to Sacramento to pick up a couple of pallets of the right stuff. Why did my dick boss wait to order ferts till the last minute? THAT is what makes an emergency that I have to deal with.

That was actually a nice break, left my cell phone with a co-worker because 'cell reception is spotty on that trip.' LoL. Yea, right.

Other than that?
Everything has been just fine.
Hunky dory.
Can't wait for next Christmas.

Thanks for asking, and thanks for 'listening'.
I'm going to go pet my unicorn now.
It makes me think of this scene.

Good luck with that man.
Good luck with that man.
It's life ... messy.
But, he's a grown man. And I am too. And grown men sometimes do those things; sometimes it ends up out in the parking lot ... but, when it's over the winner buys the beer, and the loser goes home to get patched up by his female. And then the next day it's back to work.
I have never been willing, or able to kiss anyone's ass for money - and it has cost me dearly, but I'm too damn old to change now.
I said what I had to say, he said what he had to say ... it's all good.

It's like here ... we're all good friends. We argue and bitch each other out, but we are a family. Hell, I'd buy UncleFuk a drink if I ever met him in person. Prolly be a Shirley Temple, but, hey ... I don't judge.
It's life ... messy.
But, he's a grown man. And I am too. And grown men sometimes do those things; sometimes it ends up out in the parking lot ... but, when it's over the winner buys the beer, and the loser goes home to get patched up by his female. And then the next day it's back to work.
I have never been willing, or able to kiss anyone's ass for money - and it has cost me dearly, but I'm too damn old to change now.
I said what I had to say, he said what he had to say ... it's all good.

It's like here ... we're all good friends. We argue and bitch each other out, but we are a family. Hell, I'd buy UncleFuk a drink if I ever met him in person. Prolly be a Shirley Temple, but, hey ... I don't judge.
I don’t break bread with swastika tattooed old drunks
Why aren’t they killing the thousands of Jews living in Tehran

One might wonder how Iranian leaders dare to boast about equality between Jews and others while intimidating entire segments of its population into silence under laws that are manifestly unequal. To further insult the communities, they claim that Jews remain in Iran because they are treated equally. The impression is given that the Iranian government has created such a welcoming space for its Jewish community that they would freely choose to live there. There is no mention of the vast majority of people that have fled the oppressive laws and policies and settled in other countries for the sake of their physical safety.

So who stays in Iran? Some of the Jews who have stayed in Iran are elderly and unable to tolerate travel or establishing a new home in a foreign country. Some Jews are determined to protect their sacred places and synagogues, or family homes.

Asked why she does not immigrate to another country, Aviva gave me a different reason. “When I die, I want to die in my land,” she said. “I want to be buried next to my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. This is where they drew their first and last breaths. This is where they wept their toys of joy and sorrow. Their blood, sweat, and lives are all part of the soil, and the sky here, and mine is as well. This is my home.”

Her simple words echo through my mind. Iran is her home.
One might wonder how Iranian leaders dare to boast about equality between Jews and others while intimidating entire segments of its population into silence under laws that are manifestly unequal. To further insult the communities, they claim that Jews remain in Iran because they are treated equally. The impression is given that the Iranian government has created such a welcoming space for its Jewish community that they would freely choose to live there. There is no mention of the vast majority of people that have fled the oppressive laws and policies and settled in other countries for the sake of their physical safety.

So who stays in Iran? Some of the Jews who have stayed in Iran are elderly and unable to tolerate travel or establishing a new home in a foreign country. Some Jews are determined to protect their sacred places and synagogues, or family homes.

Asked why she does not immigrate to another country, Aviva gave me a different reason. “When I die, I want to die in my land,” she said. “I want to be buried next to my parents, grandparents, and great-grandparents. This is where they drew their first and last breaths. This is where they wept their toys of joy and sorrow. Their blood, sweat, and lives are all part of the soil, and the sky here, and mine is as well. This is my home.”

Her simple words echo through my mind. Iran is her home.
Thank you for providing citation of your lying
Yeah, my first wife never had to work. I made 1.50 hr. (pre 70's) with some overtime, still had money for food, weed, and shelter. Twenty bucks for a doc visit if you didn't have insurance. So the 50's and 60's were good but the rethuglicant's only want to take us back to the religious wonderland of no abortion, wife is a baby machine, and the one with the nuts is king era.

very Ralph Kramden.