This crazy Uk cat needs your help


New Member
This englander posted this up in the support section by mistake and is apparently not the most computer literate. I am reposting it here.



New Member
Here is the no paragraph question:
I'm self taught on this computer so i'm lucky i got this far?also learned about growing weed sat night after night toking away and reading as much info as i could off differrent sites [so self taught again?]but now got to the stage,[ a few years and a few crops later ,]where i need advice?.Let me describe my play room [and toys]-Outside brick, insulated shed -three metres square[actual grow space two and a half metres long by a metre wide,myla on walls, a metre and half high all round grow space,a sixteen inch oscilating fan positioned next to six inch intake fan which blows cool ,clean-ish?, air, from directly outside ,over the tops of my plants.I built myself a hood out of wood, about two metres long and a metre wide ,with two dual spectrum 600w sodium bulbs each end and lined it with myla ,i also fitted a four inch exhaust fan in the middle of the top which is connected to a carbon filter housed in next door shed ,with ballasts wiring etc by ducting pipe threw hole in wall. During the summer [even though i run dark period seven a.m to seven p.m] it can get very hot ,so i also fitted another four inch exhaust fan to extract heat build up, at the top of furthest wall away from six inch inlet fan placed in middle of opposite wall[due to old window opening saving alot of work drilling and banging about etc,]found out since ,would have been better at floor level, [but this way ,]it's directly in- line with oscilating fan, which is also in-line with lights [did attempt to connect hood either end with inlet/outlet pipes connected to filter threw wall but did'nt seem to suck much cool air directly passed bulbs so dissconnected intake pipe and let fan blow directly into oscilating fan].Now this is where i'm not sure if i'm helping matters ,or not, cus your told different things on different sites and they all say "there's is the right way"?,so working on the theory that fresh air is coming in and hot smelly air going out and that both my exhaust fans are linked upto carbon filters ,my in-let is six inches and i have two four inch out-lets,is it needed ,or good to have,both exhausts plus in-let and oscilating fan going 24/7,oh yeah...on my previous grows i used twelve inch pots ,which in my grow space meant twenty one pots and i grew them to three/four feet but only harvested about an ounce off each ,so this grow i'm using ,four/five/six inch pots and currently have about seventy/eighty plants, in there fifth week of flowering, doing lovely,over crowded but all healthy and fat with buds, even though most plants only about two foot, i'm hoping to get about half ounce a plant ,maybe a tad more?as at this rate[twenty quid every four days on the elecki?]with all the fans plus , another 150w sodium and fluro for clones/cuttings ,going 24/7 and also the two six hundreds on twelve hours a day ,i'm gonna need every gram i can get ,so please,please ,can somebody/anybody ,advise my ignorant/stoned self, what i should be doing to optimise my grow with the toys and conditions i've described


Well-Known Member
thank you, i'm still lost and hav'nt got a clue where i'm supposed to place my questions...sorry crazy brit!
But at least you're lost in the right area....... :mrgreen:
I hear you..I've only been on the comp. since Jan..trying to post pics was a fiasco....but doable in the end... hang in there...


Well-Known Member
I briefly read your seem to be going in the right direction.. Me I'm doing outside so to advise on something I've yet to attempt would be an error.. wait a while I'm sure you'll get your info....
Welcome and good luck..
I gave you a "help I'm lost" +rep.....get you started..


Active Member
posted my post in the wrong place?never mind i will get it together eventually...just want advice about my set-up etc and if out there in the big wide world somebody reads my thread and advices me where and if i am going wrong or if ok then obviously i will be happier and the main point so will my plants?.I know my original thread is abit long winded but wanted to cover the complete set of queries so hopefully stop worrying about nothing?Cheers friends .


New Member
You are dealing with dopefiends here. We need spaces between the questions. If you write them out one at a time, or put paragraphs in, i would read them and help.


Well-Known Member
as for your specific question about the fans, it will not hurt to have them on 24/7.given your heat problems during lights out, you have little choice.

based on what i've seen on this site, you should be able to improve your yield. in your post, you focused solely on ventilation, and given your current setup is pretty good, i doubt that improved ventilation will help (unless your temps are above 85 F). have you optimized your soil and nutes?