Well-Known Member
alright today i transplanted 2 of my biggest vegging plants both are shishkaberry. i put them in 3 gal pots. and they are about 9 inches tall with a few main shoots they somehow topped them selves it seems. i also sprayed them with the reverse cuz they are in flower with hermies. witch are still spittin out male unopend sacs. but it seems like the reverse stopped seed productio. i sprayed it to late to stop the hermie i think. i sprayed the shiska with the reverse just to be safe and will follow it upo in 10 days. i can now tell the differenc form my clones the shiska berry looks more sative with longer blades and a greener stalk. the purple indica have fatt short leafs and have a very dark purp stem just like my buddy said so i have 3 shiskaberry and three purple indica. als i am making a buch of iso hash. i used about 2 ozs of elvis and white rino bud trim. so there is alot will put pics up of final product when done. i am also using the same bud trim twice for this to ensure i get everything, im sure the 2nd batch wont be as dank though. also got a pair of my favorite trimmers today. and some new veg nutes i think my ff was going to shit. so i got the floranova veg and bloom.