the first 18 pics are the shishkaberry they are 28 days flower and man are the nugs big already they are just as fay as my plants were on my last grow but still have a lot of growing to do so i hope they are huge. the cam makes the yellow prob looks worse then it is but i got it under control now. this shihska is a very fast flowering plant.
the nest 8 are the purp indica at 20 days flower they are seeming to flower slower even though they seem more indica but the nuds are crystly and will be hard solid nugs i can tell they are also not in the direct light like the shishka.
the next three are my tiny shishkaberry clone in flower she should produce me a whoppin 3-5 grams.
the last ones are my nugs still curing from my last grow they are really smooth i got about 3 ozs left it should last me until my next harvest. i am starting to smoke on this now.
and finaly these last 2 videos of the plants one with hps one with out enjoy