Third Grow - 4k, Ebb & Gro - Sour Disel, OG Kush & G-13


Hey all,

I thought I would share this third experience with everyone after sharing my first and crashing hard, I skipped sharing the second grow while I tried to get things in order.

Here is the link to my first grow if interested in that epic fail...

Moving forward and learning from mistakes, my second grow, while I was able to not have previous issues reoccur, new issues reared their ugly head, specifically, I had a light leak low in my veg tent into my flower room and apparently a lower branch or two hermied and my second crop while was decent, was full of seeds. bleh! No where was it evident on the outsides of the buds that there were many seeds growing throughout. Of course, it may not be the light leaks entire fault, I did have a few lights crashing down on the plants while they vegged. Those damn plastic pole retainers that come with these tents snapped ...twice! I have since created my own 2x4 frame to ensure no more lights crashing down.

I also learned that my area is way too dry to dry my medicine correctly, I have invested in a humidifier which will drastically help extend the drying time, allowing my medicine to dry evenly retaining its beautiful flavor and aroma. That is my hope anyway!

Soo, some upgrades I have done since the last grow. THe most obvious is I added 2k more lights since I became the caregiver to a friend of mine. WHile its probably over kill, I had already wired the room to handle it, I grabbed much better equipment and threw them in. I also sealed up my room and all the things that go along with that. Now the lights are cooled and the A/C receives intake air from an adjacent room. I bought a DIY ebb & flo timer and created a 5 gallon system. I will end up increasing the buckets to this system on my next go and move the 2 gallon into veg area. I also have put in a water chiller and a RO water resevoir to make my life easier.

Tried a few new things this round - specifically, plant growth manipulation. I.E., topping, supercropping, scrogging. While I had been topping all throughout the veg stage, I ended up supercropping the last week of veg, and through on a screen the 2 week. I need to get under and clear more of the under growth out from the main area and try and clear out some from the middle, to get more air flow. Last thing I want is PM to show up on these beautiful flowers.

Day 24


Day 33 - more and more crystals daily!


Here we are at day 38 and things continue to go well. I think I have nute deficiency, in the OG mom mostly. I believe this is from a 10 day period where I only added RO water in order to maintain under 1400 ppm. I think I probably should've added at least cal/mag to this water. The last 2 runs I left my ppm get over 1500 and I got nute burn pretty badly, so I was trying to avoid that. From here out, I will be sure to at add cal/mag to the plain water and see if that helps out.
The moms look like they are on track to be done in the next 3-4 weeks, while the clones look like they have another 5+ weeks to go. Perhaps this is due to the moms being older and ready? Or I am way off!

Sorry for the shaky part in the middle - fans were blowing flowers all over the place. Next time, I'll shut the fans off!


Day 44 and they are putting on some weight. My scrogging was terrible so I needed to stake up a few leaners. When I moved the moms to get the the masses and stake some up - i found one huge one laying horizontally - oops. It mustve fallen in the last 48 hours as I was just in that same spot 2 days ago doing the same thing. The amount of trich's on these things is amazing to me. After getting the colas staked up, my arms had massive oilly residue! I pulled one leaf off that got torn off by accident, and the thing is just covered in trich's. I can't wait to see how it looks in 2 weeks when its closer to being finished. I did notice after staking up the colas the lower growth looked liked it still has awhile to go. I may have to harvest portions at a time, which will help with the work load. This haul looks like its going to be insane!

With 2 weeks left to hit the 8 week mark, i started flushing - PH'd RO water until harvest. I'll exchange the water every few days to lower the residual ppm's. It started at 30ppm before the feedings and was up to 250 afterwards.

I did run into issues with my veg tent. I still have not been able to figure out what happened, but my power strip kept tripping for no reason. Turns out it may have been dark for upto 3 days, then for another day and a half intermittantly. It's not that I wasn't looking at them everyday, I was, just not during lights on for those days. I would visit the flowering ladies during lights on, but never opened the tent up those days because I didn't have a reason. Newb mistake I will be sure to not duplicate!

They are definitely showing signs of stress as well as pre flowers. I have another 2-3 weeks before I can move them into flower. Knowing my luck, they will all hermie on me. I have set the lights on 24/0 and will keep that until they do flower. I'm doing this for 2 reasons, one to give it extra energy to help recover from lack of food for maybe 3 days and two, in hopes of slowing/stopping? the flowering. I haven't replaced the power strip yet, as I'm not 100% sure its the culprit. It's been just over 24 hours now they have been on and no issue. I will be getting new power strips tomorrow and replace for good measure.



Day 50 -

After 7 days of plain water, the OG and Sour Diesel decided they were done. Every leaf turned brown and fell off or was easily taken off during this week. They look pretty pathetic so I chopped them and will dry them out. Terrible news is I found seeds inside the buds. I don't have any idea wtf happened here. The only stress I can think of that they may have been unhappy with is the first 2 months of their life they were transplanted several times? They were pretty root bound for a month before I moved them into their final 5 gallon containers. Their roots were bigger than whats in the video - i had to trim the bottom roots to get my net lid back!. The bounded roots from the 1 gallon they were in are still hard as a rock, as you'll see in the video. Was this the culprit? I did see some seed sites on the clones as well - so another f-up harvest its going to end up to be. At least its looking to be good stuff otherwise- I can make some decent hash out of it at the minimum.

So the g-13 mom is still plowing away, and looks like she and the clones should be ready next week.

[video=youtube_share;rbohzXyGO58] [/video]


Day 53 -

Just a quick update - the og mom was dry within 2 days, not good. I kept them in my grow room this time with 50% humidity, instead of the 15% in other rooms hoping it would increase dry time, but it didnt? room temp is 80 - guess i need to drop temp for the days im drying down to 75? I want to increase drying time to improve taste, smell and potency. I randomly was checking the first box I filled 48 hours prior and to my surprise it was crispy to the touch.

I tested a few of the bigger buds and sure enough, they too were crispy. Spent most of yesterday trimming her up. Ended up with 11.8 o's with 168g bud and 172g trim or b grade. Not bad off one plant, but then again, she was 6 months old, so probably could've and should've been more.

As for seeds, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I found all of 10 throughout trimming. I did inspect the remaining plants better and found several with stacks of seeds inside. I think I may have figured out what happened. I did see a plant in the bunch that did not start flowering correctly. it looked very odd and now after more research on hermies - i'm pretty sure that was the culprit. now ill know to yank anything that looks that way at the beginning of flower. Here's a quick pic of the harvest.


It will remain in the jars for the remainder of their life, giving them fresh air 2x a day for the first few days, then once a day for a few more days. I have ruined too many nice colas not allowing enough air time while in the jars, can't keep making that mistake!

The sour diesel mom was yanked 2 days ago now, but it has bigger colas and isn't close to dry yet. I will keep checking it daily until its crispy then trim and jar it up. I'm hoping to get 8 o's out of her between the bud and trim.
The g13 mom looks really close to done, but not quite. I will be giving her a few more days before i chop her, 3 or 4 maybe. Hoping to get 6 o's out of this one.
The main area is getting very close as well - even though some are seeded from the hermie -everything is covered in so many crystals, the hash it will make is going to be incredible. 4 or 5 days to go and it should be time! Hopes for this lot? 54 o's?!?! :o


Day 56

Lots happening this week - trimmed and jarred up the sour diesel. Ended up with 3.5oz of bud and about 3oz of trim/crap buds. I took the g-13 mom down 2 days ago and then 1/3 of the big area yesterday. The majority of it was prime time to harvest, while the lower growth still needed more time. I will have to not grow so many next time to be sure to get good penetration. 4k lights can only do so much, lol.

I plan on taking another 1/3 down tonight, and the last 1/3 down in 2 days. This will help spread out the workload of trimming it up as well as give me some much needed drying/curing experience. The og has been jarred for a couple of days and is really starting to sweeten up. I have smoke a little and its smooth and tastes great. Ash is mostly black with some gray, so I imagine it could've used a little more flush time than 7 days.

saturday will be spent cleaning up the flower room and getting the next batch ready to go in. I will also be on trimming duty saturday, sunday, monday and wednesday!

Did I mention, these clones from the big area are crystalized as f***!


[video=youtube_share;SVeKZs9C1DM] [/video]


Day 58 -

spent the morning trimming up the first set of clones I took down. the most crystallize, trich covered nugs I've grown yet! I also took down the last of the og clones. Yesterday I finished pulling the sour diesel and holy sh*t does that just have the sweetest smell I've ever smelled from a bud. I can't wait for the clone sour diesels to dry. The mom smells good, but the clones smell AMAZING.

This video shows the remaining og I took down this morning before I boxed em up. only the last 2 g13 remain, only due to the fact that i'm out of box space! I do plan on trimming the g13 mom late tonight, so that will be when the g13 clones come down.

The video also really shows how crystallized these plants have become.
I also give a sneak peak into my veg tent, which is a forest right now! my seedlings have been in the dome way too long and are ready to stretch out. I plan on moving the vegging plants into flower tomorrow and giving the seedlings the space they need.

I took a few snap shots of some frosty nugs from the video, but every snapsnot I took doesn't look as crisp or as covered as it does in the video. Clearly i'm doing something wrong.


[video=youtube_share;0rc9fVknsdk] [/video]


Day 62 -

The final numbers are in and I'm very happy with them, especially for my third grow.

I set up the next cycle while the last of it was still drying in the room. The room got up to 84 that day, so needless to say I had to trim it all up in order to salvage it. Some of it turned a little to crispy, which sucks. The good news is the only seeds found throughout came from the moms(10 from og mom, 2 from sd mom, 0 g13). There was ZERO seeds in the big area that I thought was infested. Instead, those little pouches were filled with golden goodness! That was a relief.

On to the numbers...

Strain - Bud - Trim
OG Kush - 839g - 775g
Sour Diesel - 494g - 369g
G-13 - 171g - 156g

Grand Total
1504g - 1300g

Average .70g/watt


The 3 buds on the left are SD, the 3 on the right are OG.
The close up is of the SD, but the OG is just as covered in crystals.

I will post up pics of the trim later. Plan to either take pics or a video of making dry ice hash out of the 2+ lbs of trim...


Final update here - dry ice kief hash has been made. I only made a video of the first go at it, I had a ton to do after the video.

I ended up with 6.4 ounces of cakes. - Not the cleanest, I definitely shoot it took long on some runs. But others were all golden goodness.
