Thinking of switching to LED UFO Need Help


Well-Known Member
Anyone use the UFO LED system? And how well does it work? Do you need a red and a blue or does the combo work well?


Active Member
Anyone use the UFO LED system? And how well does it work? Do you need a red and a blue or does the combo work well?

Hi there. I'm flowering under a bunch of fluoros and, a 250 watt Metal Halide fixture, and a LED UFO.

Which buds are growing the best? The ones under the LED UFO. By far, they're doing better -noticeably- than the other buds in the closet.

That said, I got mine off Ebay from an importer for way cheaper than the name brand. Make sure that you get the right wavelengths though. Some cheap knockoffs won't have optimal wavelengths.... I believe it's 460 and 660. Oh, and it's only 90 watts, doesn't overheat like the MH, and has the combo of both red and blue.


Hi there. I'm flowering under a bunch of fluoros and, a 250 watt Metal Halide fixture, and a LED UFO.

Which buds are growing the best? The ones under the LED UFO. By far, they're doing better -noticeably- than the other buds in the closet.

That said, I got mine off Ebay from an importer for way cheaper than the name brand. Make sure that you get the right wavelengths though. Some cheap knockoffs won't have optimal wavelengths.... I believe it's 460 and 660. Oh, and it's only 90 watts, doesn't overheat like the MH, and has the combo of both red and blue.
But shouldn't you be flowering under an HPS and not a MH? Seems unfair to the HID lights. I wonder how an HPS vs an LED UFO would do?


Well-Known Member
Seems like a great switch I think I am going to Ebay now. I am going to get 3 or 4 of them. I see they are only about 175 for one light.