Thinking of attempting small-scale indoor growing


Active Member
hopefully this isnt just going to yield something that i missed in the FAQ, but still;

i've been looking up ways of possibly growing indoors, and i have yet to find anything that would be easily adaptable to a small space and a small budget. i'm looking to probably use part of a closet that's rather deep and tall, but has no light or ventilation of any kind. i'm not wanting to grow much; just enough to support an occasional good time for myself and at most one or two other people, and i dont really have the money, space, or necessity for a huge operation.

i'd rather not spend tons on advanced parts and such, considering it's so small-scale and may not get as much use as we think it may.

i know so far that i need a good, bright light that gives preferably red or blue light, and a good fan to be able to keep circulation, but beyond that i'm not sure what i need or how to set it up or anything.

so any information on good seeds to use, or how i'd possibly go about setting something up, and the dangers of the smell of it becoming noticeable.

thanks in advance :peace:


Well-Known Member
you can use tubed flourescents like these that i use, they are cheap and easy to use. (no jheat buildup to worry about) get it on a timer for your 24/0 or 18 on / 6 off lighting. you can use a closet shelf and floor. My space is 3'x4'x8' in height. my 4 ladies (out of 20 baggie seeds) are into their 21st day of flowering. there IS a noticable smell, but you can buy these plug in or battery operated timed scent release things in most stores that mask it pretty well.
the top shelf holds the vegging stage ladies at 18/6 the bottom is for flowering at 12/12



Active Member
what is above the closet? if you are in a house and the attic is above your closet, you can vent to the attic, that's what I did. works well. just an idea.


Well-Known Member
Get The book for new growers. Marijuana Buds For Less by SeeMoreBuds. 8 oz for less than $100.00 interest you? VV


Well-Known Member
Get The book for new growers. Marijuana Buds For Less by SeeMoreBuds. 8 oz for less than $100.00 interest you? VV
I agree, you should get that book, especially based on what you said about not wanting to have to get all advanced. The book is like a day by day grow journal with pics.


Active Member
thanks all, and to the second poster, i did read the FAQ, but im a very visual learner so pages of complicated terms didnt help much xD