thinking hydro...

Ok so for 2 years I've been using soil and well it's getting pretty pricey..$15-$20 per bag and getting 3-4 bags per harvest. Ok so hydro seems to be the way to go nutrients watter are pretty much the basics...I believe pretty much clueless to this whole growing the hydro what is the easiest cheapest way to get good quality plants? I'm a noob and just want to experiement with it. Any suggestions will be great. Thanks


Well-Known Member
well ..
if you understand how it works you just need to make the system + get a ph pen + nutes .
make one out of a small tote and start a couple out .

if it works for you then go bigger .
soil per bag is pricey , maybe invest in a "cube" ?
Invest in a cube? What is this cube you speak of? And as for hydro I did 1 plant in a 1 gallon bucket stuff turned out ok for a 1st time.


Well-Known Member
well at the hydro store we have "cubes" of soil ..
I got it for like 45 bucks I think (canadian) and its HUGE .

I wish I could get pics but I dont have any .
but I would say its like 5-6 bags .

its not for hydro , but if changed your mind and didnt wanna fuck with hydro anymore , that would be your best option to save some $$ .

are you going to jump right into hydro ?
ill try to help you as much as I can .
how many plants do you want to do ?
whats your budget ?


Active Member
basic drip feed or ebb and flow if trying hydro, worked for me and still ebb and flowing after 3 yrs :)