Thinking about growing some mushrooms anyone in here do it?


Well-Known Member
So idk if u guys read the new hightimes the growers guide or 2008...well anyways this guy inspired me so much hes growing mushrooms and in 1 month he yelled 25 im looking to get a spore and the mushroom set up growing it hard to do thease and how risky is it ...b.c i heard that u can fuck up ur product real easy..and also did u guys know that if u eat shrooms while they are wet u trip harder?....that was news to me...according to hightimes

but if someone who grows shrooms in here could help me out with what i need to get started i'd love you! haha


Well-Known Member
So idk if u guys read the new hightimes the growers guide or 2008...well anyways this guy inspired me so much hes growing mushrooms and in 1 month he yelled 25 im looking to get a spore and the mushroom set up growing it hard to do thease and how risky is it ...b.c i heard that u can fuck up ur product real easy..and also did u guys know that if u eat shrooms while they are wet u trip harder?....that was news to me...according to hightimes

but if someone who grows shrooms in here could help me out with what i need to get started i'd love you! haha
The only reason you would trip harder is that the psilocybin breaks down a bit during drying. Theres no difference in trip if you eat wet vs dried as long as you get the same amount of psilocybin/psilocin.

As for growing, check out

start with a few pf teks before trying other stuff. Its real easy to mess em up.


Well-Known Member
i would recommend to watch some videos, then do some reading, and get a good feel of what has to be done mentally before you just jump right into it....its not hard its just having the patience the time and just being sterile about things...get a pressure cooker first off so you can properly sterilize the jars the first time around there are other methods for sterilization but i wont go into them. you will need some canning jars. you will need to figure out what method you will feel most comfortable about doing weather its wild bird seed rye grain or the pf tek and so on, most beginners start off with the pf tek, that wasnt the case with me cause i heard yield was for shit so i did bird seed. i recommend building an incubator, to incubate your jars in...thats about all the info i can give with what you have provided, if you love me give me + rep for helping


Well-Known Member is the place to go!! i have cultivated shrooms and find it more pleasing and worth more then growing pot you get a wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy bigger yield in like a 1/8th of the time it takes to grow pot


Well-Known Member
i grow

search my posts here and on shroomery.

wet mushrooms do give a better trip than dry. psilocyn breaks down more during drying so dry mushrooms are mostly psilocybin.


Well-Known Member
i grow

search my posts here and on shroomery.

wet mushrooms do give a better trip than dry. psilocyn breaks down more during drying so dry mushrooms are mostly psilocybin.
Good point, i didnt think about that.


Active Member
Whatever approach you use, make sure everything is CLEAN. I wiped down my kitchen with chlorox wipes, then sprayed lysol in the air and let things settle. I used small canning jars, sterilizing them in my pressure cooker. Since I had syringes instead of raw spores, I punched a hole in the top of each jar then put a piece of masking tape over it. My medium was vermiculite, and after sterilization (and cooling) I used a cotton ball with alcohol, pulled back the tape, swabbed the entrance and put in the syringe, hitting along the glass in several areas working in a circle (then covering the hole with the tape.

Sorry I'm a little sketchy since my notes aren't close by, but CLEANLINESS is the word because you don't want to contaminate the goods (easy to do). I mixed more vermiculite over a bed of pearlite in a $2 aluminum roasting pan, then covered with foil and 'baked' (sterilized) for an hour at 350d. After the mycelium was showing well in the jars, I dumped them out on the medium and placed the pans in plastic storage bins (from Staples, with the split-hinged tops). I'd keep some distilled water to spray on them to keep them from drying out, but I had good yields and results.

I'll try to add more when I can dig out my notes - best of luck, it's very rewarding. I took some of mine and put them in a blender with 151 Bacardi rum, mixed them good, let it sit, then filtered out. I put that into a plastic flask and snuck it into an Allman Bros show, and within an hour when the band started it was off to the races !!!


Well-Known Member
Whatever approach you use, make sure everything is CLEAN. I wiped down my kitchen with chlorox wipes, then sprayed lysol in the air and let things settle. I used small canning jars, sterilizing them in my pressure cooker. Since I had syringes instead of raw spores, I punched a hole in the top of each jar then put a piece of masking tape over it. My medium was vermiculite, and after sterilization (and cooling) I used a cotton ball with alcohol, pulled back the tape, swabbed the entrance and put in the syringe, hitting along the glass in several areas working in a circle (then covering the hole with the tape.

Sorry I'm a little sketchy since my notes aren't close by, but CLEANLINESS is the word because you don't want to contaminate the goods (easy to do). I mixed more vermiculite over a bed of pearlite in a $2 aluminum roasting pan, then covered with foil and 'baked' (sterilized) for an hour at 350d. After the mycelium was showing well in the jars, I dumped them out on the medium and placed the pans in plastic storage bins (from Staples, with the split-hinged tops). I'd keep some distilled water to spray on them to keep them from drying out, but I had good yields and results.

I'll try to add more when I can dig out my notes - best of luck, it's very rewarding. I took some of mine and put them in a blender with 151 Bacardi rum, mixed them good, let it sit, then filtered out. I put that into a plastic flask and snuck it into an Allman Bros show, and within an hour when the band started it was off to the races !!!
you my friend roi you are got some storys there what nutrient content does verm have? and youdidnt do a very good extraction probably wasted a good amount of the psylocin


Active Member
The only reason you would trip harder is that the psilocybin breaks down a bit during drying. Theres no difference in trip if you eat wet vs dried as long as you get the same amount of psilocybin/psilocin.
If you do not know for sure, don't post. Psilocin converts into Psilocybin when they are drying/cracker dry.

Mushrooms are more potent fresh due to their high psilocin content. Just more mushroom tissue which people have a hard time eating due to the taste.


Active Member
im gonna be startin my mushie grow in about 2 weeks...gotta get some spores n shit, but ill start a thread when i do with some pix...ive looked at the list of all the stuff i have to buy (glass house, some jars, lysol, syringes....etc) and im just wondering what the base estimate cost to buy all that junk is...pretty much the setup cost, as im poor and will have to decide whether or not to start savin some $$$


Active Member
how much ur whole set up cost you guys>
Shouldn't be more then $50-60.

If you're doing grains which requires a PC I would watch EBAY like a hawk for All American Pressure Cookers AA-921 + which will last a lifetime and then some given you keep it clean. If you just want a pressure cooker look for some rubbber to rubber sealed ones like a Presto 21+ qt which would be about $100 where an All American pressure cooker brand new would be $200+ ... I got mine not for growing mushrooms but for food for $75 from ebay. It had a broken nut but it was easily replaced. Mine is an All American AA-925 Pressure Cooker.


Well-Known Member
tahnks alot man..haha i had a crazy night on boomers last night..ahah i dont even want them anymore hahah or grow them..hah but i will..always thining about how 2 make that money!


Active Member
tahnks alot man..haha i had a crazy night on boomers last night..ahah i dont even want them anymore hahah or grow them..hah but i will..always thining about how 2 make that money!
I'm not helping you anymore. I'm not going to help you grow mushrooms so you can sell. Just letting you know. The subjects I cover are for commercial edibles only. like I've said before, I DO NOT cultivate psilocybin mushrooms, they're is no reason to. I have no interest in little to no medical value. Sorry :-(


Well-Known Member
dude im not growing them to sell them like that..i sell them to like my best friends and my brother for like 10$ and 8th and not going to do all this work and lose my all my money...i wanna make back what i put in and have a good time with my firneds...chill man