Thinking About Baking Some Brownies With Oil, Is Five Grams Really Enough?


Well-Known Member
not for me.. MAYBE.. if it were hash... that might make me feel a small buzz then...
**ok I looked at the photos more.. yeah that will be fine it's a much smaller cooking tin than I thought.. I would say you would get about 5-6 pieces about the size of a pack of smokes.. maybe eat half of that piece and see....

if you have 5g make firecrackers... so much more potent and you dont waste it.. some only need .25 per dose.. I however need about 1gm of decarbd pot..

if you have never made them before read about 3-4 different recipes... this will give you an average cook time temps etc.. I decarb it for 20-30 mins (depends on how green and how much I am using.. (generall decarb more then 2-3 oz at a time) cook at 250 (in foil) here is a good recipe goof luck and start slowly with medibles I know on an empty stomach I feel effects within 20 mins (effects like nausue is gone lights are brighter) then about 45 mins its either at a high point or it did not work... if I have had a meal I will eat one about an hour after a meal and then it take about 1-1.5 hrs to start hitting me..

I read that people with a slower metabilizm have a longer wait time before the meds work and vice versa...


Well-Known Member
not for me.. MAYBE.. if it were hash... that might make me feel a small buzz then...
**ok I looked at the photos more.. yeah that will be fine it's a much smaller cooking tin than I thought.. I would say you would get about 5-6 pieces about the size of a pack of smokes.. maybe eat half of that piece and see....

if you have 5g make firecrackers... so much more potent and you dont waste it.. some only need .25 per dose.. I however need about 1gm of decarbd pot..

if you have never made them before read about 3-4 different recipes... this will give you an average cook time temps etc.. I decarb it for 20-30 mins (depends on how green and how much I am using.. (generall decarb more then 2-3 oz at a time) cook at 250 (in foil) here is a good recipe goof luck and start slowly with medibles I know on an empty stomach I feel effects within 20 mins (effects like nausue is gone lights are brighter) then about 45 mins its either at a high point or it did not work... if I have had a meal I will eat one about an hour after a meal and then it take about 1-1.5 hrs to start hitting me..

I read that people with a slower metabilizm have a longer wait time before the meds work and vice versa...