Think you're safe?

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Officers arrived last week after the West Yorkshire Police helicopter detected a hotspot on the roof of the garage in Huddersfield Road, Odsal.

A hotspot is often a sign of specialist heating systems used to grow cannabis.
Police have apologised for any distress the raid caused to the guinea pigs' owner, 42-year-old Pam Hardcastle.

Mrs Hardcastle, a learning mentor at Bradford Moor primary school, said: "On Wednesday I'd gone to work and got a call from my mum who said you need to come home.
"The police came on the phone and said: 'We think you're growing cannabis in your garage.'

"I said: 'No, it's a heater to keep my guinea pigs warm because it's been so cold.'
"I went home and there were two policemen who came in the house with me and I've got a big picture of Bob Marley with cannabis growing behind him so I thought: 'Oh my God, don't turn round'."

Mrs Hardcastle said that despite the embarrassment the incident had caused, she did not criticise the police.
"I think the police do a really good job and I do understand why they did it," she said. "It 's just unfortunate it was me."
Insp Darren Brown, of the Queensbury, Royds and Wibsey neighbourhood policing team, said: "A majority of operations of this nature are intelligence-based and often rely upon swift action.
"Due to the location of the garage, we could not make further observations without alerting the occupants.

"On this occasion, it transpired that the significant heat source coming from the property was not connected to the production of cannabis.
"Officers who attended explained the full circumstances to the occupant and discussed any damage.
"I would like to apologise for the distress this may have caused.
"However, I would point out that these tactics are essential in tackling drugs across the district."
He reassured Mrs Hardcastle that her details would not be kept on police records.

Ahahahahaha, what a cockup, although it does make you wonder about the threshholds that the police chose to work with, it would have to be a hell of a heater or a hell of a gamble to move on such a small heat source/reading although naturally i don't know the whole story.

It appears that no warrant was obtained and they did not have proof of anything even when they were on the phone, they needed him to let them in and view the inside, i assume that his wife had refused them a search until she had spoken with her husband.

There is a similar story from a london address where the police violated diplomatic laws and diplomatic protection, only to find that when they raided his house he had simply had the heating turned up.

So remember, if you have something to hide, never let a piggy in your house, if you don't, well say no the first time, wait for them to come back in force and then embarrass them heavily :D

I've always wondered what kind of protection the public have in a situation where the police force entry and find nothing. I now suffer mental trauma i may never recover from, pay me bitches. (if this was the case, hell, i'd make a living setting up indoor tomato grows and get busted lots via bad policing :D

And on a humerus note :D i like how hotspots are caused by specialist heating equipment. All i can say to that is it's a freaking lightbulb genius :D glorifying what it is to grow cannabis i think. Make it sound like a high stakes high money game, nah mate, cost me a tenner.


Well-Known Member
hahahaha "specialist heating equipment"? these people r stupid.

"However, I would point out that these tactics are essential in tackling drugs across the district."

fuckin pig

Total Head

Well-Known Member
the cannabis community should have our own pack of seething press whores. a mob with cameras and microphones to chase around the police when they fuck up and demand answers. "so chief, exactly how many dollars and man hours went into this little operation? how often does this happen? how is the homeowner doing? last i heard they had a stress-related breakdown. do you have any comment sir?" all with epilepsy-inducing flashes going off the whole time. surely there is a way for someone to profit enough from forming such an organization to put it in place. fucking nazis.


Well-Known Member
the cannabis community should have our own pack of seething press whores. a mob with cameras and microphones to chase around the police when they fuck up and demand answers.
why waste our time when we could just come on here and laugh at them over a bowl? they're bringing humiliation upon themselves, we don't have to do a thing

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member America there would have been a no knock warrant and probably would have killed their dog and tasered people and shot someone that was laying on the ground. Wow. Cops suck.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
The very idea that they think they can stop crime is just a highly amusing concept. Pre-crime is not a valid option, you can't just kick in every door etc, just in case, in the long run this behaviour creates more criminals/potential criminals, it creates and ger and frustration against the police, and it'll be their downfall in the end. You can only piss off the hand that feeds for so long. Very excited to see what happens at the student protests on the 29th, i hear that good old charlie veich will be out and about with a larger bunch of people than normal.

We could certainly do with a fair news source though, something written with such style and grace that it actually becomes well known. How one would go about that though is beyond me, let alone going about that without becoming a mysterious road accident :D America there would have been a no knock warrant and probably would have killed their dog and tasered people and shot someone that was laying on the ground. Wow. Cops suck.

I was going to say they may be fucking dopey cunts, but at least they didn't shoot the wife before she could phone her husband :D anyone see that video of the us cops shooting the deaf woodworker, or the guy in the wheelchair :D

I'm all up for causing as much mayhem and mischief as i can though. Hopefully at some point i'll be able to really start pissing off the folk with their helicopter :D Was in work just last week to have the boss walk in and tell me there is a police helicopter hovering a few hundred feet above my house :D now to get that heat sig legit and start having fun!

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Lucky bastard whoever it was that bought up the independent for £1, and was also given £10mil for doing so by the same company selling the paper :lol: lots of opportunities to be had if you've a savvy mind.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
I'm lazy Gafoogle...I'm a white American male...Gimmie a break. Lol. But seriously ill setup the blog Saturday. When Comcast sets up my internet in my new house.


Well-Known Member
the cannabis community should have our own pack of seething press whores. a mob with cameras and microphones to chase around the police when they fuck up and demand answers. "so chief, exactly how many dollars and man hours went into this little operation? how often does this happen? how is the homeowner doing? last i heard they had a stress-related breakdown. do you have any comment sir?" all with epilepsy-inducing flashes going off the whole time. surely there is a way for someone to profit enough from forming such an organization to put it in place. fucking nazis.
In all seriousness this would be great. It would open some people's eyes thats for sure.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
At least they didn't shoot the guinea pigs like they would in America. "They looked vicious and they lunged at the officers..."
DEA = Dog Eradication Agency.