Think you know everything? help me please :)


New Member
im new at this . and do need help , i need the following questions asked. below.

im using 18inch 35w and 40 w flourescent tubes .
the ones that go in the fish tank.

HOW MANY LUMENS should one plant need?

i have t-12's too . but shouldnt i wait to use those , cause those have two 40watt tubes.


Do i need something to REFLECT LIGHT?

at this point and stuff does it need to have air circulation , or can i close my closet door??

whats the temperture suppose to be for the plant to poke out up to soil.

help? :smile: thank you. just questions im thinking.

right now its sprouted , but hasnt reached out of soil , but im not messing with it , im letting nature do its thing , and on the 18/6 light cycle.



Well-Known Member
Go to you tube look up jorge serventes grow room setup. use your lights and downscale for however many plants you want. Mostly listen instead of watch.


Active Member
im new at this . and do need help , i need the following questions asked. below.

im using 18inch 35w and 40 w flourescent tubes .
the ones that go in the fish tank.

HOW MANY LUMENS should one plant need?

i have t-12's too . but shouldnt i wait to use those , cause those have two 40watt tubes.


Do i need something to REFLECT LIGHT?

at this point and stuff does it need to have air circulation , or can i close my closet door??

whats the temperture suppose to be for the plant to poke out up to soil.

help? :smile: thank you. just questions im thinking.

right now its sprouted , but hasnt reached out of soil , but im not messing with it , im letting nature do its thing , and on the 18/6 light cycle.

I personally would get rid of the T12s and get some T5s for veg, then something like a 400 or 600 HPS. I mean you DO actually want to get a decent amount of smoke for your troubles, right? With a 600HPS, you should easily be able to grow 4-6 good sized plants....if you go SOG, even more.

As far as how big your space should be...well - how many plants do you want to have? Better yet, how much smoke would you like to be able to produce at each harvest (be realistic here)?

Something to reflect light is good. You can go purchase some mylar (comes in rolls like Christmas paper) OR you can even paint the interior of your grow area white - which will *help* reflection, but not as much as the mylar.

Air circulation ... HECK yeah! It's a must. Will help strengthen stalks, and during flower will help keep nugs from molding. Also helps keep area cooler. Get a fan - just leaving the door open won't be enough. Something I did to help the air circulation in my closet...went to Home Depot and bought one of the vent "screens" (like what covers the intake for your air conditioning) and installed it in the lower portion of the door. That way, the door can remain closed, but air still gets sucked in through the vent.

Good temps will be around 80 to 85 F. for seedlings. 75-85 F. for larger plants is perfect, but you've got some leeway here. Lights should help keep things warm enough - especially in an enclosed closet. If you do decide to go with more powerful lights, you may even need a way to vent the heat out of your room.


New Member
okay thanks , but keep in mind i only have one plant , and i leave door open , and also keep in mind , its just a seedling under soil , ill have a fan when its at least couple inches above soil , because i dont want to get it too cold , but thanks for all the other information.


Active Member
okay thanks , but keep in mind i only have one plant , and i leave door open , and also keep in mind , its just a seedling under soil , ill have a fan when its at least couple inches above soil , because i dont want to get it too cold , but thanks for all the other information.
Ok - gotcha
Just FYI though, you need to be careful about errant light getting to your plant during the "dark" periods with that door being open. :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Ok - gotcha
Just FYI though, you need to be careful about errant light getting to your plant during the "dark" periods with that door being open. :blsmoke:

Don't have to worry about light during veg just when you are flowering.
You can leave your lights on 24hrs a day during veg, so a little extra isn't a concern.


Active Member
all I can say is you are looking for answers you already have. no matter what anyone tells you you are going to do what you want anyway! you have this light I dont want to use so why ask about it. use every light you have then go buy more lights you never have to much light. so just set up your grow the way you planned on setting it up and go for it. if it grows good for you if you fail next time listen and do it right
i really like cfls, they have always worked great for me. i prefer to get those somewhat cheap refletor lamps and a few socket splitters.

heres some pics of mine, i dont know if you can tell but the last pic shows it on, i hav it so there are 2 daylights and 2... not daylight.

i find one of these does the trick very well up untill your plant starts putting on some girth, then you could even use those floros you have for extra side lighting.

like was already said you can never have too much light, especialy with floros and cfls, they dont put off alot of heat. if you do decide to upgrade to a mh or hps system, make sure you have decent venting and temp controll down.

