Reason for saying that? Is his type of cancer that bad?He's as good as dead. Ill give him just over a year.
Well I hope he does the RSO as well. I'm rooting for him as I like the way he disturbs people who should really be ore concerned with their own affairs than his. Nosy pricks need exposed themselves and their asses roasted.He'll take Chemo and and surgery and radiation. Wait and see. We'll see how he is after surgery.
I always liked him until this latest fiasco, not that he did the drugs of course, just the way he handled the whole thing. That said, having to go through what he will have to, lets show him some respect, he's in for a tough fight, no-one, friend or foe should have to go through that shit. Aggressive chemo and radiation (I was late stage 4) almost killed me and (other than the cancer) I was in better physical shape than than most 30 year olds going into treatments. With his health/shape, it won't be good![]()
Well I can't see if he didn't already know, that he would love to jump on the wagon. He already likes to get buzzed. He know lots of Jamaican's who could hook him or Doug up with some bud. Doug could make it for him.I doubt he knows anything about RSO..
When the Chemo doesn't work and we all know It won't. They'll resort to surgery. Then they'll give him radiation to burn up anything they missed. Maybe more chemo.
After that , If he lasts three more years with nothing? He has a chance.
Thanks, no problem I don't mind talking about it. I did the research and looked at the numbers, late stage 4 there was a 6-12 month window to get treatment that could work, the cancer I have responds well to chemo so I went for it, it worked. Doesn't always, I met too many people that didn't make it throughI've really enjoyed reading your posts, thank you.
If I might ask....did the aggressive chemo and radiation that almost killed you save your life?
Asked with respect and sincerity.
Rob Ford is a crackhead!Rob Ford is the John Lennon of our time.
I believe you need to take a step back and see thru the guise of "working for the common man" because it's just a ruse. For anyone in the public eye like them to deny any wrong doing (smoking the crack) then "oh gee sorry" when your on video ..... bblah blah nauseating bullshit spewing from the mouth of a politician ... same as any money grubbing fuck(they are also well off so no he doesn't need a "paycheck"), you really don't think they haven't made those bigtime behind the scene deals to ensure their continued career when the political shit dries up?doug was busted for hash in florida in the 90s i believe.
ANyways, whats everyones problem with the fords? rob saves the city so much money, hes the only mayor that has put money back into the citizens pocket. He doesnt even give himself a pay cheque. He was votes away from getting rid of land transfer tax and i wish to hell he got rid of those fucking bike lanes. He does what the average joe wants. Something not many know, he tabled a motion for councellors to take drug tests, yeah..your rite...they voted it down lol bunch of butt hurt fucking monkeys. In my oppinion, the fords will be the realest people for the job.