Think my room is to hot


Hey guys i just moved my plants to the flowering room for the first time. I was sure i had everything ready...... but after the first hour the temperature went to 90f and the Humidity is just below 40. Ive got 2 fast PC fans sucking air out and one blowing in and a fan in the room to blow on the plants. The light im using is a 600w HPS. Anyone got any tips or info that could help me out.

Thanks :)


Active Member
Do you have an air cooled hood. Even if you dont you need better fans, pc fan are good maybe for cfls but not a 600 watt.


No its just a light steel. So i most get the plants out? any idea on what size fan my room is about 9 cube ft i think.


Well-Known Member
If you can't get an air-cooled hood, add a couple more intake and exhaust fans. Keep the intakes down low, and the exhausts up high, where it's the hottest. If you can, get some 6" ducting,($30 for 50 feet) and one of those cheap 6" booster fans,($25-30, at Lowes or most any hardware store) drawing cool air from somewhere. I draw fresh air from outside, and it works really well. At this time of the year, I don't need to run my air-cooling(lights), because my carbon filter drawing out hot air, combined with the fresh air being drawn in from outside, keep my temps below 80*.


hey guys i got a huge fan for out take and change eveything else to intake and got 2 more fans to blow on the plants and the tep. is 88f i even think my plants have stop growing im sure they are still alive but not getting taller


Well-Known Member

Take it from a guy that knows,


I personally use an RVK125A1 to blow air through my AIR COOLED hood running a 600w HPS i have it ducted it away from my grow room and i use a PC FAN (akasa Viper) as an active air intake along with some Passive air intakes.

IT keeps my temps at a stable 77F during lights on and 70F at lights off.


My honest answer for you would be to get yourself a decent inline fan.

Maybe RVK150L1 which runs at 690m3/H or 400CFM just to use as an exhaust and that way you then have enough scope to be able to increase your flower capacity at some stage. Along with this fan you could also then run air cooled hoods (x2) if you wanted. Add the fan to a speed controller to be able to completely control temps and hey presto the perfect environment.

The way i look at flowering is that you are trying to recreate Autumn/Fall therefore temps would be lower than that of the summer months. Therefore if you can get your flowering room under 80F the better your plants will be.

Alot of the time i have found that it is better to overspec your ventilation and use controllers to reduce or increase the venting capacity to be able to create the perfect environment.



Well-Known Member
The fan on its own is not enough.

I have my light air cooled and the RVK125A1 is blowing air through it kepping the room cooler. If i had it in a standard reflector then the room would be too hot.

If you remain with a standard open reflector then you will need a better fan than the RVK125A1.

In a few weeks i am redesigning my flowering closet and am going to create a closed lighting system that pulls cooler air from under my roofline through the ducting through the cooltube through the fan and out away from my grow room. I will then be using my current RVK125A1 attached to a carbon filter to clean the air in the room.

the reason i am doing this is because that way i can really control temps in the room using a sealed lighting system which will produce very little heat if any at all and the ambient room air temp where the Co2 rich air will come from for the flowering closet can be anything up to 25C before it causes problems.

Hope this made some sense for you.



Well-Known Member
This is how i would setup your lighting system.

Pull an air source outside of your grow room through the light through the fan and out away from your grow room.

The only thing i havent placed in the diagram for you is the positioning of a carbon filter.

If you have a door in your grow room then position the carbon filter at the highest and furthest point away from the door and create some passive intake holes into the door. OR if you have a tent open some of the lower vent holes. Then duct it to your RVK125A1 and again duct that away from your grow room.

Hope this helped some more.




Well-Known Member
No Worrries bro.

If you just make sure that you run your lights cooling system independantly from the Grow room air that way you will get better temps in your grow room as there will be very little hot air coming from the lamp and run the little fan with a carbon filter to keep down the smells and make sure this is pulling the air out of your grow room and duct that away too.
