Think it’ll fair okay?


Active Member
Gelato #41. Put it outside right at the start of May after getting it as a clone. I was worried about not being able to find clones as it warmed up, so I grabbed this little lady and threw her outside.

It seemed stretched early on, and still kind of is, but I’ve been giving it 20-20-20 veg solution. With the LST and eventual lollipopping, you think it’ll be okay down the road?

reeeeeally hoping so. I plan on doing a grow journal for help with my journey. Any input or advice at this stage is much appreciated! Gimme some truth! Hopefully it’s good news


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Gelato #41. Put it outside right at the start of May after getting it as a clone. I was worried about not being able to find clones as it warmed up, so I grabbed this little lady and threw her outside.

It seemed stretched early on, and still kind of is, but I’ve been giving it 20-20-20 veg solution. With the LST and eventual lollipopping, you think it’ll be okay down the road?

reeeeeally hoping so. I plan on doing a grow journal for help with my journey. Any input or advice at this stage is much appreciated! Gimme some truth! Hopefully it’s good news

You plan on keeping it in that bucket? 5 gallons really isn’t big enough for a full season outdoor grow. Did you drill some drainage holes in the bottom? If not, you will need to. Don’t be shy…the more, the better. And I would highly recommend going to a larger container once the plant gets bigger…preferably 30+ gallons and grow bags are better.

What type of soil and fertilizer are you using?

Also, depending on where you are, planting early May can cause early flowering/reveg unless it’s a young plant/seedling. There’s not enough daylight in the Northern zones to sustain vegetative growth until later in the month.
Im not seeing any reason why it won’t . I personally would stop trimming your fans off. Later down the road there’s nothing wrong with open up the center and some lowers for air flow. Let your plant use the sun, thats why your outside
I’m gonna echo what was already said about the 5G container being a bit small for a full grow. I personally do my outside plants in a 20G Rubbermaid garbage can, drill holes for air/drainage/training and place a tomato cage overtop to help with the limb training in the coming weeks. Everything tends to grow maybe just slightly over 6 feet with my training and 2 years ago was averaging 1200g per container before drying
Hey everyone, thanks a TON for your input. I just got on here today and saw all of these so I’ll try to address everyone’s comments all at once.

as far as the bucket goes, I don’t smoke too much, I just enjoy growing the plant, taking care of it and eventually smoking it. I’m not concerned about getting as much as possible off of it. I grew in a five gallon bucket before and the weed actually lasted me quite a while. So I’m good there.

the bucket has holes in it too. Lasttime I grew, the roots were even coming out of the holes in the bottom haha. But the plant did well and turned out great.

I haven’t even taken any fan leaves off yet, which is why I thought it seemed stringy. That’s also the reason why I figured I’d start with LST to try to get the base the way I wanted. I just wanted to make sure that it would bounce back and get bushy and healthy.

I put it outside close to the start of may which is when I was thinking I did it last time. Then I had a look and was mistaken haha. I actually put my last plant out on Father’s Day, so there’s about a month and a half difference there. No signs of early light cycles messing with it potentially budding. So I’m thinking it’s okay?

im gonna leave it alone for a long while and let it do it’s thing without getting stressed and soaking up as much sun as possible. Next week should get better weather wise so I’m hoping to see some improvement.

I think someone asked what I was feeding it. I’m giving it some 20-20-20. I’ve only given it that once because of all the rain we’ve gotten. I typically only do that once or twice a week and then give it normal water on the other days.

i put a picture below where it’s at today. Seems like it’s getting healthier and getting more leaves….thoughts? I always want advice or little tips, whatever anyone has time for!

thank you everyone here that sees this, has shared their opinion or plans on it. I appreciate y’all!


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Plant looks good. Less is better when it comes to fertilizer. No real need to feed more than once a week, max. 1/2 rate of what’s on the box. Read the plant…if it starts to turn light green, up your feed rate or frequency. If leaf tips start to burn, back it off. If it’s a salt-based fert like Peters, MG, etc then you may need to supplement with calmag…depends on the soil you are using. I’ve had to add calmag to my routine when growing in pots with any kind of soil-less, peat based medium like Pro-Mix, etc. You may not need to. Make sure you get a good wet/dry cycle. Wait until the pot is light and water until runoff. Don’t just water a bit every few days. You need a good wet/dry cycle to ensure roots are getting a good mix of moisture/oxygen. You will likely be watering every day mid-summer with that 5 gal bucket. The advice to transplant to a larger container has more to do with keeping the plant healthy than yield. You can run into issues if/when your plant outgrows that bucket…which it will. Have fun and good luck!
Yea, as someone else said, back off the fertilizer. 20-20-20 is pretty high IMO, and you’re doing it 2 times a week. I don’t know what type of soil you’re using, but it didn’t seem to be mentioned, unless I missed it. Good soil is key, in any grow, much less a full photo plant in the sunlight. I prefer Fox Fox Ocean Forest or Happy Frog and add about 25% perlite to it. I also tend to add some organic, slow release fertilizer into my soils as well - Happy Frog has one of those as well. This usually keeps my plants happy with just waterings every 3 days or so. Once the plant becomes an absolute tree, that’s when I hit it with nutes, but at much MUCH lower levels than what you are. I use the Fox Farms Trio, which is Big Bloom, Grow Big and Tiger Bloom. MJ plants love that s&@! and it’s all organic and PH balanced perfectly for your girl(s)!

Anyways, you may know all of this, but figured I’d share what I do. Never hurts to know! That said, I agree with the 5 gallon bucket, I think it will be plenty big for you. Most nursery’s have a place where they give out the old tree pots, if you check around, from where they sell trees to customers and the customer doesn’t want to keep them. Great place to find free containers that are just a few more gallons bigger than what your working with, and def more stable. Happy growing!!