Think I'm gonna harvest soon...

Miss Ganja

I wan't to harvest these indoor plants, but the strain is bad and the buds came out really small. the fan leaves are already dropping off, and I know that the buds are ready, but I just wanna increase my yield at this point. I think I have like maybe a week left or something and I need advice. I am not happy w/the tiny buds that my plants produced. Also, does anyone know the max that I can wait, (not cutting it down and just trying to let the buds get bigger?) Thanks everyone. Gimme some input.


Well-Known Member
pics would really help

but to answer if your losing fan leaves your gonna be done, it is the fan leaves that make the buds, the more you lose the less the bud grows

Why I tell folks to keep em green, they will go and go if ya don't let em die


Well-Known Member
By the details you provided, it sounds like your not going to gain anything by leaving them another week. Pluck um and do a better job next time. It's all about learning and unfortunately it takes a few grows to experienced.
Max flowering time is strain dependent. Ball park times are 8-10 weeks for a good majority of normal indica and hybrid strains.