Think I have a hermaphrodite...need assurance


Active Member
Hi everyone. My first real post I guess. Doing a bagseed grow. I planted 13(yep, I know) the 14th seed ran away. After a severe nute burn, water deprivation and heat stroke (plus stretching up to normal Reveal bulbs before finding this place), I had 4 healthy plants. The first was a male. I have one healthy female left and what appears to be a hermaphrodite (hermie). Which is making me think I shouldn't have hashed the one I pulled last night, for the possibility it was savable.
So I'll try to load these pics here of the one I think is a hermie, to get some opinions and input.Are these indeed male flowers? (I'm going to check better for light leaks.) The plants are only one week into flower. This plant has pistols with hairs, would these be the teabags I slice off if it is indeed a hermie?

thanx and getcha pull



Active Member
the one i pulled last night could have been..."gasp" a I planted 5 more seeds in her memory. the hermies name is Lucy.


Well-Known Member
Your plant does NOT look hermie to me at all, it looks like a boy all the way. There are pods/balls. "This plant has pistols with hairs" hairs are pistols and pistols are hairs. But I see no hairs/pistols between those legs.

Good luck


Well-Known Member
Your plant does NOT look hermie to me at all, it looks like a boy all the way. There are pods/balls. "This plant has pistols with hairs" hairs are pistols and pistols are hairs. But I see no hairs/pistols between those legs.

Good luck
pistols are pistils :D


Well-Known Member
+1. That looks like a male. I think you may be confusing the little green things that look like hairs with pistils. They are not. That plant is all man.



Active Member
here you go man...same plant....there are the hairs/pistols...i just sliced the male ball sacs off without breaking them. there were 3, I think it happened because when I check the closet...I kept the room light off....confusing the plants slightly. It seems to be growing fine with no more balls...for now.



Well-Known Member
Wow, that pic was blurry as hell, but it looks like there were pistils in there. If that is the same plant, and we didn't brutally misrepresent the first pic, you may have a hermie.

I would just like to say.... If this is a real hermaphrodite, you should almost feel proud of it. I see hundreds of people that have "hermies" in their grow rooms that are nothing but regular males or pollinated females. A lot of growers, new and old, use "hermie" interchangeably with the other terms. So, if those are pistols in your blurry pics, and pollen sacs in your earlier pics; I would like to be the first so say: I am sorry, and congratulations on being the first person (of 347 wannabes) to have a real hermaphrodite!



Well-Known Member
Early preflower pistils (ok, I'm kinda new, but learn fast despite my arrogance :) ) are usually (if not always) fuzzy.

If they are smooth, they are just new nodes/leaves/etc, no?

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Ok go ahead and bust my balls..... That plant is to young to tell sex.. You can guess the sex, but you can nit tell yet.. LOOK AT THE PICTURE. So many new growers are looking so close for males that they see them when it is to early to tell, and even then they seem the male or the hermie when if fact it is a female. Never,, NEVER!!!!! clip the sex telling part off because you are tripping....... OH MY GOD......... Cut my dick off????? What the fuck am I?????? Fuck!!!!! I have no idea..... OK!!!!! lets flip a mother fucking coin!!!!!!!!!

Patience new growers.. they will not Pollinate until the mature and crack open.. you have plenty of time to make sure..


Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
This new growers has been freakying over this for 3 days and not one person tried to calm him down?

BUDDY,, leave that dam plant alone.. Step away from the plant with the scissors,, and no one gets hurt!!!!!!!


New Member
lol those are stipules which are on every plant, those green spike are not pistils. pistils are white/clear in color and not as thorny looking as the stipules.


Active Member
I have a similar problem, I've noticed some pollen sacs developing on an otherwise healthy female plant, is it ok to try to remove the pollen sacs (obviously trying not to spread pollen by being on standby with a vacuum cleaner!!!). I only have two plants so I don't really want to lose half my harvest with only one month to go.


Well-Known Member
I can't tell from either picture.... let them go longer

and I hope it's flowering already, cause otherwise........


be patient.


Well-Known Member
Early preflower pistils (ok, I'm kinda new, but learn fast despite my arrogance :) ) are usually (if not always) fuzzy.

If they are smooth, they are just new nodes/leaves/etc, no?
they dont become to fuzy in preflower (well as compared to how they get when u start to see bud.) You might have a hermie but just keep an eye on her\him\heshe :D


New Member
do u have new pics? im wondering if i have a hermie too, it's def. at least a male, but at the ends of each stem are what looks to be buds too, maybe looks different than new growth. the only new growth ive seen is within the internodes, not the ends of the stems.