think I have a bug problem. not spider mites.


Ill post some more pics tomorrow aimaim, and no this is not just on the new leaves. Iv looked for bugs over and over, and all iv found are small cases of spider mites and the few centipedes I mentioned.


Well-Known Member
I vote deformity. But what the hell do i know lol. I think I've seen it before actually, but really not sure if it was an indoor or outdoor grow. 40 years of growing, it tends to melt together LOL!


Well-Known Member
I know what it is but I can't say it because nobody would believe me and I'd get nothing but grief. I will tell you that it has already gone away and you will see no more leaves like that. Yo
this is the internet we believe everything, id like to hear ur theory anyways
Lets hear the theory
Are you actually scared that people will say "bad" things about you? Come on, your not that thin skinned are you? Step up- let's hear your thoughts. This is the first time I've ever heard such a silly excuse for not giving up info that could help us all out. Why are "you" on this forum? For help I bet- now it's your turn to give.
It was a 1 eyed 1 horned flying purple kush eater....Purple Kush Eater.png...really hope this helps man...there's alot of little goblins that show up around halloween time for some reason...

Royal Blue

Active Member
Well if you have centipedes and your seeing them
multiple times around your plant then I would assume you have
some sort of pest problem because centipedes
feed on other bugs like spiders,mites,beetles,slugs...etc.
so there hanging around your plants because its a good
hunting ground much like how a spider sets up its web
in a place with heavy traffic(of bugs).

That being said centipedes have been known to eat plants when
starved but I think that is highly unlikely in your case.

Try to rid of the dirty bastards and see if that helps
More then likely its something other then the centipedes
its what there eating so that might be the reason
its harder to find anything else.
Good luck.


Ah shit I forgot all about this thread. No new occurences. Plants appear to still be healthy and showing new growth. guess ill never know, just hope I dont ever see it again.