Think i Fd up


Active Member
Ok so i just pulled my plant that was in flowering becuase it looked like it was ready on wens. I hung it upside down and today I check on it and its dryed out. The buds are so dry that if u squeeze them they crumble and turn to dust. Did I dry them to fast? The stems still dont breakwhen you bend them. This is my first grow but i am guessing that the buds are not sopose to look like this. They are very very dryd out.

ink the world

Well-Known Member
Yeah that sounds over can try to salvage them by throwing them into a mason jar. take some lemon or orange peel and place it on the bottom of the jar, cover the peels with some coffee filter or paper towel and then fill the jar w/ the buds and seal it up.

leave it covered for 24 hours, then open it up for 5 minutes and reseal this every day for 4-5 days and then check the buds...if they are still dry replace the peels and start over again. .....i've had to do this when i first started and it did help, they wont be perfect but at least it could be smoke-able.


Well-Known Member
I made the same mistake not too long ago. But anyhow... you can try and fix the problem just like 'ink the world' said... but no matter what you do bro the buds won't ever taste/smell/smoke like they would have if they would have been properly dried and cured.

If I were you man.. I would just make hash with your harvest if you can't fix the problem.. or if you just don't feel like fucking with it. That's what I wound up doing when this happened to me.

Either way good luck man.



Active Member
I just dont understand how they dried out that fast. They were in a closet for 4 days that had two fans going on around them not hitting them. Next harvest i am just going to trim the buds right away.


Well-Known Member
ehhh... nah.. you had to much air moving around them.. thats why they dried out so quickly.

arghh.. fucking sweat just pouring off of me.. :\ Nobody wants to help me.. maybe I'll just commit suicide.. see how these people feel about themselves then.

anyhow.. yeah man you had too much air moving around them. Try just one fan.. and maybe even a smaller one at that.. next time.



Well-Known Member
I agree 2 fans in a closet is overkill unless its a big walk in closet. Also you didnt say if you checked them between wed & today sunday. I would check them every day if you can to gage how the dry is going. Maybe you could have caught the problem on friday.


Well-Known Member
yea i only use one fan and turn it on for only half the day, or on and off throughout the day. it also depends on what part of the world you live in, more humid climates may take longer, where dry areas can take an exceptionally short amount of time.
sorry to hear that happened that sucks. if it doesn't become smokeable you could always make foods with it :D
i use a piece of moist paper towel and throw it in the jar if my buds are dry, open it up every once it a while to prevent it from molding or anything. good luck.