Think I Can Figure It Out?

what nutrients are you using?if any ,also how often are you using nutrients/water these are the questions i would ask myself first, if you are using a mirical grow type maybee think about switchin to a more advanced fertiliser with micro nutrients,also if you r using a fertiliser how often and how strong are you mixing this although there is no burn on the tips i have experienced something simular,all i did was switch to a advanced fertiliser also as mentioned in the post above check you medium must have a good quility medium secon grade will not do.Hope this helps:joint::joint:
Hi dopeyG this has been buggin me all day as i didnt want to give you any wrong info so i did a bit of research i came across a picture very simular as yours but was alot worse it suggested you may have high PH here is a list of what you can use depending on your circomstances sawdust, composted leaves, wood chips, cottonseed meal, leaf mold and peat moss. Sawdust, composted leaves, woodchips and, lemon juice, PH DOWN but be sure to check hope this helps. I have lost many crops but have also learned along the way.